Monday, January 10, 2011


Remember many posts back, when I wrote "the excuse, 'I am too busy' is not a valid excuse, in my book". Well -- here I am writing it, using that lame excuse as the reason for not writing in this blog. Couldn't I at least be a bit more creative? Like, who would know any differently, if I wrote that I was ill over the weekend, or I had to go out of town unexpectedly, or my computer broke. Well, there are too many people who saw me over the weekend, to make the first two 'untruths' work; now, the third - the computer one - that could have worked. But, I took the easy (lazy) way out and used "I was too busy". Must be a human thing.

Friday was a day of teaching (big Gentle Yoga class, good for a Friday), then to the lemon store. Adam told me I should get some shorts (rather than long pants), so that I can see my knees and quads in my poses. Just couldn't bring myself to do it. Something about doing uttanasana and staring at knees with wrinkles, turns me off. Fortunately, I found two pair of nice yoga pants to add to my yoga wardrobe. If I need to look at my knees, I'll pull them up (the long pants).
I was to have guided the practice on Friday evening - unfortunately (or fortunately), no one showed -- perhaps a product of renovation, publicity, teacher rotation, or is once a week too often for this studio's population (I don't think so, but some may). No matter, I put the time to good use helping Sheldon and Lyndsey a bit to get the studio ready for the Yoga Festival and Open House, scheduled for the next day (Saturday). Time well spent.
My Saturday was spent at the Festival -- began by taking Sheldon's class at 9, then Michael's at 10, and Kim's at noon. A brief lunch, and back to teach my own class at 2. When asked what I would be teaching, I quickly responded that I'd focus on the 3 A's of Anusara Yoga. I was able to teach to the theme. Interesting thing about the class? One student struggled with her wrists during vascisthasana. When we moved to bakasana (crow), after a brief rest from the other wrist-stressing pose, there was no discomfort in her wrists. Could it be that the arm balance was just more fun? And, therefore, the discomfort disappeared? As a newer-to-yoga student, I don't think she was aware of the hugging-in element that will remove stress from the wrists. Interesting. Perhaps 'attitude' kicking in.
Then home to rest up for the evening's festivities -- an open house back at the studio. Music, yoga demos, friends. Good stuff. We left a bit early and shared dinner with Michael and Shala at Layla's in Holladay. For those of you who haven't tried it, Layla's is the old Confetti's restaurant -- remodeled and menu re-vamped, same owners. Great food and much nicer ambience.
Sunday was husband-time. We spent a quiet morning, then - FINALLY - got to see "The King's Speech". I've been waiting since November to see this film. Definitely worth it. Home to enjoy the fire; mac & cheese with a salad for dinner -- great comfort stuff.
And, today?
  • A one-on-one appointment this morning at the Apple Store. My website is running (; now to fine tune and tweak it, so that the search engines will find it!
  • Errands
  • Adam's 5:45 pm class at Sugarspace
Have a marvelous Monday,

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