As I begin this week, it is with a commitment to NOT forget anything. So, let me go through my week quickly (my commitments), just to cement them in my brain cells:
- Monday - No appointments/classes to teach
- Tuesday - 9:15 am, Level 1-2 at The Yoga Center; Noon, Pilates; 2 pm, Webinar with Amy Ippoliti (download and view later); 2:30 pm, Private
- Wednesday - 9 am, private; 10:30 am, Gentle Yoga at The Yoga Center; 6 pm MST, Srividyalaya Course (History of Hatha Yoga) begins online
- Thursday - 1 pm, Pilates; 2 pm, Webinar with Amy (download and view later); 2:30 pm, Private; 4 pm, Level 1-2 at The Yoga Center
- Friday - 10:30 am, Gentle Yoga at The Yoga Center
- Saturday - 7:30 am, Private
- Sunday - No appointments/classes
There -- for me, just the process of writing things down has a definite affect on my memory. And, even as I wrote, I found myself leaving things out -- duh!
Not that you want to read about my schedule, but this is for my own benefit and this is, after all, my blog.
Looking it over, the week looks pretty active (I'm avoiding the word 'busy' here). Additionally, there will be class planning to do for each of the 4 classes I teach, I'll need to learn the technology to download Amy's webinar (help is available for those of us who are challenged in this endeavor), and Srividyalaya -- well, let's just say I'm concerned a week with only that course in it would seem overwhelming. Perhaps the other activities will keep me from stressing about it too much.
And, I deliberately left out the yoga classes I hope/plan to attend during the week; need to take that one day at a time. So, today - since I have no other scheduled activities, I will attend Adam's 'Yoga for Seniors' at a local aquatics center. This is good - it will give me some insight to what other, more experienced instructors teach in a class of students who may have some limitations; and a more gentle yoga class for myself.
The rest of the day?
- Errands
- Housework, including some laundry
- Watch for books to arrive that I ordered for the Srividyalaya course (4 of the 6 needed; I already had 2 and have read most of those - a little review won't hurt, tho.)
Hope your Monday is productive and fun!
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