Thursday, February 3, 2011


My two continuing education projects -- How to grow and enhance my yoga teaching from a wise business standpoint, plus the history of Yoga -- lots of information to absorb, but do-able. The good thing is that in each of these educational activities very different types of information are being transmitted. One - the teaching - is very practical information; stuff I can use immediately in my day-to-day activities. The other - more in the philosophy vein - needs more contemplation. I think I'll be o.k. doing them concurrently.

My issue right now; how to stop what I am listening to as I re-play Tuesday's Webinar and then re-start it, perhaps back up a bit to something I want to re-hear. Now THAT'S a challenge. Oh well, I was about 16 minutes into it; so, I'll re-listen and type this blog post -- how's that for multi-tasking!?!?!
My private went well -- interesting how just watching someone breathe with more awareness, or do a pelvic tilt can fill me with a sense of accomplishment. It did, tho. And - better yet, she is feeling the benefit of these weekly visits.
On to Gentle Yoga, another true confession -- I used a lot of what I learned in Adam's Monday class for my students yesterday. Groans in the room (stuff they weren't used to), but I loved teaching it. Good for me to change it up a bit.
BTW, thank you for the name suggestion - nice.
Today (Thursday's are busy ones for me):
  • 1 pm, Pilates
  • 2 pm, Webinar with Amy
  • 2:30 pm, Private
  • 4 pm, Level 1-2 at The Yoga Center (me teaching)
  • Would love to do Tiffany's class, not sure if other things today will allow that.
O.K. - back to the Webinar tape. Have a nice Thursday!

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