Thursday, February 10, 2011

NOW I WAIT . . .

I put this same post on Facebook -- interesting that not many people are curious what I'm waiting for. Guess Facebook posts can be a bit obscure at times; some days I just read them, shrug my shoulders and move on. I learned a while ago to not read anything into what someone writes on Facebook -- I'm probably wrong.

So, what am I waiting for? Long story short -- I have submitted the first video to Anusara® with Sundari's support and blessing. Whew!!! Exciting and scary. It will be hard to wait, but I understand that it takes a bit of time, now, for the home office/Certification Committee to assign a formal mentor. That explains the 'waiting'.
I wonder who I'll get? I wonder if they look at me, my experience, my age, my location, etc., and then look at the team of mentors and match us up based on some sort of criteria -- either that we are alike or that we are very different. What happens, happens. I am just happy to have crossed this next hurdle. Vijaya! (sanskrit: Vi=incremental; jaya=celebration)
I notice, once assigned, no one talks much about who their mentors are/were. This, just to tell you, that I probably will follow that unwritten understanding -- no names, but perhaps a 'heads-up' when it happens (assignment of a mentor, that is).
Yesterday (Wednesday) was a BUSY day for me -- teaching, plus errands, plus lunch with Wayne, a private, more errands. If you ever get e-mails from me, or Facebook entries, you notice that I am an early morning riser. Add a busy day on to that, and you have one tired yoga teacher by the end of the day (9 pm for me).
Gentle Yoga went well; several new people in the room - a couple of whom are visiting the area (family / skiers). One, from North Carolina, came to yoga for a bit of 'skiing relief'. It was obvious he is a yoga practitioner, who did a great job of staying in his 'beginner mind'. Needless to say, after 3 days in ski boots, he LOVED the footwork we did. I also must admit that I am using some of the new stuff I've learned by attending Adam's class. Combined with my teaching elements, I have more to offer students - a good thing!
Excitedly, I traveled from class to the FedEx office. Even though Anusara® may not IMMEDIATELY assign a mentor, I want them to have that video ASAP. Fortunately, I had a copy of the class plan ready, and my self-evaluation completed (those things must accompany the video). I also included a short letter explaining the make-up of the class being video'd - all amateurs, no 'shills' in there. Sundari will send her evaluation by separate mail.
Then to lunch with Wayne - who is on crutches after breaking his leg skiing this Winter. Bummer! But, he's back to teaching yoga. Wayne received his Certification about 2 years ago(?). He moved fast through the process, once everything was submitted -- perhaps I'll be so fortunate. (Not holding my breath on that part; remember, what happens happens.) We caught up on life, teaching, injuries, a little gossip-but not much and pretty benign stuff, and I was able to share my excitement about the video submission. Nice!
Another errand, then to my private -- this, the older woman striving to strengthen her legs. We worked gently -- she did some movement in a chair, then moved to the floor for me, some more gentle movement and breathwork, then it was back to the chair. I am happy that each time the hesitancy about moving to the floor and back up gets less and less. I remember the first time, "I'm NOT getting on the floor; I can't get back up!"; yesterday, no comment - she just did it - made her way to the floor and back up with only me standing behind her, no assistance.
Then, a couple more errands, home for dinner - too late to join in Srividyalaya; so will listen to the downloaded material this morning.
  • Housework / laundry / Srividyalaya in a.m. (Wouldn't DBRK be happy to know he's worked in between birdcage cleaning and folding towels?)
  • 1 pm, Pilates
  • 4 pm, Level 1-2 at The Yoga Center
Hope your Thursday is a good one,

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