Sunday, March 27, 2011


Patience: the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble or suffering without getting angry or upset.

Interesting that Sundari recommended 'patience' one week ago and, on the first night of Desiree's workshop, 'patience' was part of her theme. As in, things will happen - we just need to set ourselves up (align) and be patient. It doesn't mean stop working, however. If I patiently wait with no result, then a bit of refinement is needed; a re-tooling, so to speak. I know this. After all, I am the student who patiently worked on urdhva dhanurasana for 12 years before finally being able to confidently say 'I can do it', and 'I can do it, again, wanna see?'
Friday night with Desiree was devoted to getting acquainted and hip openers. Her emphasis was on introducing us to the T12 area of our backs; to taking innerspiral all the way up into the back and to then rooting down from that area through the tailbone, as we outer spiraled. The effect? More psoas work, more core work, NO painful hamstrings. I've experienced this with Desiree before. One of her gifts to me was the gift of 'hamstring-discomfort-free' yoga. Yes!
Saturday, well - Saturday's early session was devoted to backbends. I missed it. Not because I was afraid or intimidated, but because my 'Grand-Dudes' needed a bit of grandmother time as their parents attended a memorial service. I arrived at the workshop site in time to watch an impromptu lunch session in which the advanced backbends were being tested out. Wow!
I also understand I missed an unexpected visit by John Friend to the early session. That would have been nice (to see him), but I can't be everywhere and I'm o.k. with it.
The second session on Saturday was all about therapeutics - what to do when this or that hurts. Good stuff - some of it I'd heard before, but it NEVER is a waste of time or energy to see and hear it again. In the group: Jose' Alvarado from Pasadena. Love him - such a kind and giving person. The evening was capped off by going to dinner with about 15 from the workshop, including Desiree and Jose'. Nice to be in their company off the yoga mats.
Today? Well, Derek (our son) is coming to help with moving some furniture around, perhaps unpack and break down some boxes, take down old window coverings, and any other things Mom (me) can think of.
At 1, the final session with Desiree begins -- a bit of everything we've learned taken into arm balances and inversions. Then, dinner with the 'Grand-Dudes' at their house.
It will be a great day for us - I hope yours goes swimmingly also. Enjoy!

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