Sunday, April 24, 2011


I leave tomorrow for Spokane; going up to help my Mother move from one assisted living facility to another (closer to family). More moving! The good? It's not my 'stuff' I'll be moving, and she has already substantially down-sized. But, there will be emotion -- she, despite being reclusive, has become acquainted with all her caregivers and leaving them for new ones, will be challenging. My plan is to move both parents into one facility (different areas, however), so they are closer to each other and family. I am hopeful that this will bring some calm to both their situations - which has kind of been like a train wreck so far. Nothing has gone according to plan.

Our original plan? Move both into assisted and skilled nursing at the same facility (which we did). Once Dad had recovered from the stroke, he would move into the apartment in assisted living (that has not happened - he has not made the level of recovery needed for that move - and, therefore moved to a nearby VA skilled care facility). What does that leave? Two people (married to one another), living in separate facilities, with huge strain on their emotions and at big financial consequences.
With this revised plan, both will be together, closer to most family members, in a facility that will offer care and will accept financial aid plans. Fingers crossed.
And my week in Fallbrook? Productive, though you might not think so if you hadn't been here watching the day-to-day activities (in other words, it's still a work in progress).
  1. Painters are done with the inside - looks good and clean.
  2. We have 80% of the blinds installed - nice.
  3. A kitchen table and chairs was purchased and delivered - comfy and 'chic' looking.
  4. More boxes unpacked, more arranging of furnishings accomplished - love the spaciousness that gives us.
  5. One large piece of furniture sold - yes!
  6. Previous owners' leftovers disposed of - either to garbage or to thrift stores.
  7. Dishwasher in and working -- double yes!!
  8. Garage organization begun - thank you, Howard (husband).
Excited to return from Spokane to begin teaching. Gearing up by sending studios pics and bios - I really need to have a few pictures taken; later, I guess. Anxious to begin connecting with students and the yoga community more fully. In Spokane, I'll try to do a couple classes; tho, no guarantees there either. Stay fluid.
Hope you have a good week!

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