Friday, April 1, 2011


As unpleasant as unpacking is, it does make time go quickly; so, hopefully, there is an end in sight to this unpacking unpleasantness.

What I am experiencing right now is a significant lack of stress -- nowhere to run to, no appointment to keep, not much calendar-wise to remember except that I must get up - coffee & computer time - continue unpacking & organizing - appointments for bids on paint, window coverings, carpet, etc. What stress there is happens when I look at a box that's been sitting in the same position for 10 days!?!?!?
Big development this week -- I now have a brand new washer/dryer and can start to make a dent in about 2 weeks of laundry. I moved the bird into his larger cage (from the travel cage). We also have a new trash compactor, but that sits in the box waiting for installation by someone. A new dishwasher is to be delivered sometime next week (an unexpected expenditure).
Through all this unpacking, dealing with contractors and salespersons, ordering and receiving deliveries, I go back to the word 'patience'. It's become a mantra, keeping my attitude in check. All of this could easily become a recipe for attitude meltdown. So long as forward movement is happening, the attitude is staying positive.
And, the fun part -- watching the Grand-Dudes run around the property. Enjoying a bit of freedom from city, neighborhood life. They were all about picking oranges, tangerines and grapefruit yesterday, taste testing as we went along (tangerines/oranges, not grapefruit). So cute and fun to watch/experience with them.
And, yoga? Well, since Desiree, no formal classes; good intentions for next week. And, Sundari's coming to town - so, for sure a practice with her and Tiffany while she's here.
Hope your week's been great and have a good weekend,

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