Saturday, May 7, 2011


As I did regularly several months ago, this post will be a bullet-point summation of my week (each day's high- and low-lights); and then I'll sift through my notes and offer a 'tip'. This was a Friday tradition for a long time in my blog, and I've missed the routine of it. Unfortunately, yesterday (Friday) I wasn't missing it as much as this morning (Saturday). So here goes:
  • Monday began with a blog entry detailing my excited expectations for the week, as I began my teaching schedule here in sunny So. Cal. After my own moving, and my week helping my Mother move, it also turned into a day of catching up on rest.
  • The big day (first day of teaching) was Tuesday -- a 10:30 am class in Carlsbad, named simply "Anusara-Inspired Yoga". Unfortunately, the class was posted to the studio's schedule just 2 days before, leaving precious little time for people to see it and work it into their schedule. In other words, no one came. I've offered some ideas for marketing for the studio as a whole, and I'll do my part. On to Temecula, where several students attended my Therapeutic/Gentle Yoga class. To be truthful, none needed therapy, but they were looking for a more gentle class, as each was somewhat new to yoga.
  • Wow! Wednesday arrived and with it a burst of energy. Lots of our artwork got sorted and hung, a few pieces of furniture re-arranged, the bed - which had been missing it's formal attire - was put right. A very productive day! Best of all, it concluded with time spent with 'grand-dudes' and dinner with the family at their home.
  • Thursday -- my second day of teaching in the week. Another 'bust' in Carlsbad; patience, patience, patience (and marketing). Thursdays I have several hours between classes, so I used it to run an errand, then home for some lunch before I headed up to Temecula. The class on Thursdays begins at 4pm and is a 'basics/intermediate' class. Once again, students in attendance -- a good thing.
  • Friday fell apart, schedule-wise -- several things I had planned to happen (deliveries, etc.) didn't happen. The big one did, tho -- delivery of the elliptical that will share my yoga space at home. Howard arrived home from his week-long work travels, and we critiqued another Fallbrook dining establishment (we went to dinner).
So, now it's early Saturday morning. Several things to accomplish today, including work on a class plan for tomorrow (I'm guest teaching in Temecula in the morning). And, where's that tip? Be right back.

- tic toc - tic toc - tic toc -

On Thursday, I had the opportunity to demo twice in class -- not having taught for a while, I had to go back to my memory bank and pull out the 'instructions' for demo'ing effectively. As I perused notes, I came across this brief description of a demo -- I'll add my 2-cents in italics:

Demos should include 2 key alignment points. Format for demo:

  • Ask all students to move closer to view the demo (Temptation is for students to stay on their mats; take the seat - call them over. If it's a large class, ask the students closest to kneel so that those behind are able to see.)
  • Do pose (silence is best -- there is something about the brain's ability to see and absorb without words that is beneficial; per Christina Sell)
  • Repeat, pointing out 2 key points (Keep it to 2 points, easier for students to understand. These 2 points should relate to our theme and alignment focus.)
  • Repeat again (Yes, repeat; perhaps on the second side or at a different angle so everyone can see.)
  • Any questions? (Ask if there are any questions about the pose or the elements being pointed out.)
I hope you all have a great weekend. Enjoy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Hey there,
Congrats on stepping out there. It will all come together in due time. Send me a note when you can.
Love, support and hugs,