Monday, July 4, 2011


What, you ask. Why is it so hard to accept a compliment with a simple 'thank you'; no excuses, no jokes, no sidestepping, just 'thank you'.

I received a wonderful compliment today, fought back the urge to do all of the above, and simply responded 'thank you'. It was tough! And, as I told the giver of the compliment, I hope a new book I'm reading will help me get over this tendency. The book? "The Gifts of Imperfection", by Brene Brown (an author with many letters after her name). Preface and two chapters in, and I think it's a keeper.
Guest taught in Temecula yesterday (Living Yoga), had 14 in class -- what fun! A basic class, most of the students were well-versed in yoga. I tried something I hadn't for a while -- the silent demo. A suggestion of Christina Sell, I asked everyone to simply watch me. Then, the hard part - to keep my mouth shut as I moved into a modified parsvakonasana (hand on a block). Silent demos are effective, in that there is a part of the brain that receives the information more completely than if I were chattering along with the demo (perhaps distracting them?). I did demo it again, pointing out my theme and the actions I wanted to emphasize. And, upon completion and when everyone was in the pose, they all looked great!
Today, we are going about the day kind of normally -- I'm cleaning, laundering, yard-working; Howard is walking dogs, running a couple errands, and - now - in the garage puttering. We'll leave in about 3 hours for the "Grand-Dude's" house. Will be great to enjoy the 4th of July with them this year.
Hope you have a great holiday and be safe!

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