1. My 3-4pm class at the Fallbrook Library would, for some reason, hold me up and I'd get stuck in the Fallbrook traffic (which for a small town can be daunting, especially between 4-6pm)
2. I would escape Fallbrook, only to get to I-15 and see a parking lot. This does happen, not a lot (knock on wood), but it does. Alternate routes are few and feel even slower.
3. I would forget all my well-laid and scripted plans.
4. No one would come to the class.
5. Mid-way through the video, I'd make a HUGE mistake, throw up my arms, have a mini hissy fit, and turn the camera off.
Well, fortunately, none of this happened. I discovered a new route out of Fallbrook - still traffic, but not so heavy. I-15 was moving right along. I didn't forget the sequence, but did improvise the script. 12 people were in class. No HUGE mistakes; a couple missteps, none that would require a 'hissy fit'.
I am not saying that it is a wonderful video. That is yet to be determined -- I have to watch it. My least favorite part, the part where I initially look only at myself, my posture, how I look (vanity). There may be some 'gaffs' in there that will eliminate this video from the running. I hope not. But, I won't know until I watch it (maybe later today).
What I can say about it is that I did carry the theme and alignment emphasis throughout the class. I did look at foundations, enhancing where needed. I laughed a bit (students too, tho quietly). I got one demo in - not sure I was in the best spot of the room, and I forgot to ask them to gather round -- just asked them to watch from their mats. The most remarkable element of the class -- not one chaturanga dandasana. This was a Basic level class, tho many were skilled practitioners; just taught the poses (surya's) without the vinyasa element (chaturanga dandasana, cobra, down dog, second side).
What was my theme? Shradda (trust). I changed up my opening comments to telling students how grateful I was that Ashley had enough trust in me to graciously allow me to teach her class. Wow! Some days themes just fit right in. My heart quality was confidence -- when we trust, we are more confident. My alignment emphasis was shoulder loop. My apex pose was Ustrasana (camel).
It was fun. If I have to do it over, I think I'll feel less nervous -- this hiatus between the previous video and this one has not helped. I really need the camera in the room, reminding me.
Hope your Tuesday is GREAT!
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