Wednesday, August 24, 2011


My therapeutic / gentle yoga class is a great forum to experience motivation and it can also be a place to watch a quick decline in motivation. My job just got tougher as the teacher. Huh?

Yesterday's class included 4 students -- H (fibromyalgia), A (recovering from car accident injuries, including a broken neck), C (recently hurt her back, bulging disc, L4-5), and M (similar back issue, but not so recent).
Students arrive in class appearing motivated and ready to work on their 'issues'. Often, tho, when faced with movement, movement that might create discomfort (fear working its magic), their motivation fizzles. Imagine a candle struggling to light, but being overwhelmed by the wax at the base of the wick -- sputtering, needing a bit of coaxing, like that -- this is my analogy to struggling motivation, at this stage.
I think this is especially true for students with back issues -- the pain can/is so severe that to risk re-injuring or re-creating that pain is a prospect they will avoid at all costs. I don't blame them - I have hurt my back and I know how much it hurt; fortunately, mine lasted only 2-3 days (yoga's benefits?). And, my experience in yoga made me well-prepared to return to my practice with a full toolbox of ideas/things to do to further strengthen the core and avoid future 'stuff'. The students coming to this class are often new to yoga, haven't seen the magic happen with a dedicated practice, and are - sometimes - so fearful they will give up at the least little muscle tug in the back.
Yesterday, I worried this was happening for one student -- she began enthusiastically, realized her arms were sore and tired (her explanation: lack of activity because of the back injury), a couple times I heard the comment - 'I better stop now, or I won't come back'. At that point, I began to slow the movement for everyone; we switched gears to restorative mode and I set everyone up in some enjoyable supported poses. The next 30 minutes, students simply focused on their breath, allowing the bolsters, blankets and blocks to support their bodies.
Class over, everyone appeared relaxed and refreshed. I heard everyone say 'see you next week'. I hope so.
Hope you have a great Wednesday,

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