Sunday, September 25, 2011

ABOUT A DOG (not yoga)

We own 2 dogs (that was yesterday). Today, we own 3.

I love dogs, and I would own many - if it were feasible. I have selected each of our dogs since our first, in 1983 or 84. Each has had it's good qualities and not-so-good. They have all been good dogs - calm and cooperative, friendly (except for one who didn't like little white dogs) and loving.
The problem? Each time I select a dog for me, the dog bonds with my husband. I see why. He loves them and his affection knows few boundaries. If the dog is nearby, he has his hand on it. He walks them each day (unless he is traveling), and most days feeds them. You might be thinking 'well, why don't you (Leslie) get in there and handle the dogs, walk them, feed them. I do. It's no use -- once a dog decides their preferred 'person', I've found it's useless to try to persuade them otherwise.
One caveat to this -- the dogs love him, they follow my instructions better (does that mean I'm the alpha?).
So, a few weeks ago, we began to think in terms of adding a 3rd dog to our 'pack'. We currently have a German Wirehaired Pointer (runt of a litter), and a Corgi/Australian Shepherd mix. After owning the hunting dog (named Tucker), we've decided 'no more hunters - too much desire to roam and run'. The shepherd mix (named Driggs) is smart as a whip, yet unassuming and undemanding. We decided another type of shepherd might be the dog for us.
We explored border collies. Nice, beautiful dogs, but with a different style of herding; one that often doesn't mix well with small, running grandchildren (not good for our situation). Then, we were sitting at a stoplight last week, looked ahead at the vehicle in front and noticed the man driving was carrying on a conversation with his dog in the passenger seat - a German Shepherd. I said "I think those dogs are beautiful. My husband agreed. The research and search began.
Found that the German Shepherd is loyal, good with children, and trainable (all good things). We (I, actually) hoped to give a home to an older dog; one that might have trouble finding a place, otherwise.
Well, we found Claus - an 8-year-old, who had been rescued 9 months ago with severe pneumonia, underfed, neglected. We took our dogs to meet him yesterday (on neutral territory). All went well; we brought him home with a short stop to drop off a birthday present. For being the new dog, nervous, etc., he handled himself well -- calm and unfazed by the 3 children (ages 2-5) moving around him.
Once home, he was equally unfazed (in fact, almost a bit leary) of our cats - as they were of them. Age has its benefits.

18 hours in -- this is a good thing. Oh, about that bonding thing -- so far, Claus follows me everywhere. Maybe this time . . .
Have a great Sunday!

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