this, too, shall pass; it has passed. A blip on the radar of life (not a little blip, but it's happened and it's over). Now to watch and see what happens. (This whole first paragraph relates to my last post; if you read it, it makes sense. If not, that's o.k. too.)
I think it's interesting to take a mental inventory this morning and see that I am not nearly so 'upset' or 'saddened' or whatever, as I was 2 days ago. It must be true, what they say, that 'life goes on', just a bit differently.
Thursday I taught two fun classes. The first, in Carlsbad, was a group of ladies - all with yoga experience, but new to Anusara. One had studied Iyengar, another Bikram; not sure about the rest. Interesting to work with a student who wants both worlds -- Bikram and Anusara. The questions like "In my Bikram classes, the instructor asks me to lock my knees; you say not to do that. Which is correct?" Questions like that cause me to 'plead the fifth' or to say "I believe the flow of prana is blocked when we 'lock' a joint. My advice: do what you feel is best for your body while being respectful of whatever style of class you're in.". How's that for walking the 'fine line'.
One of the first things I was taught, almost right after 'look for the good FIRST', was don't 'dis' another yoga style.
I had a very brief lunch with my son (he's a busy guy), then home to let dogs out for a bit, then up to Temecula to teach a 4pm 'Basic' class.
My 'regular' 3 were in attendance; the twins and their mother. The one who does not like yoga is coming along. I think there is bribery happening for that young person (I heard "you do this or no Halloween party"). Whatever. I try to stay in the madhya (middle) -- not being too nice, but not too unfeeling to teenage emotions. I had fun and I think - based on the laughter - that they all enjoyed the class, as well.
FYI, I have no problem with bribery or whatever it takes. I remember doing the same with my son -- he wanted to quit soccer, to skateboard and surf instead; I believed playing soccer would expose him to another type of friend and get him involved in team activities. Ended up soccer paid for a good portion of his college education and the 'team' aspect of the sport now supports his work ethic. Moms sometimes do know best. (BTW, he still plays soccer each week and surfs on occasion.)
No class on Friday; dog to vet, laundry, some long-overdue yardwork (taking out some truly ugly plants), homework for my Certification mentor, and then a drive to airport to pick up husband. The drive was rewarded with dinner out -- I love when that happens.
Got a last-minute request to sub this morning, so off to teach in a couple hours. It's also Howard's birthday today; we will celebrate formally tomorrow with dinner, cake, presents -- all at the Grand-Dudes' house.
Hope you have a great Saturday!
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