Gives me expanded respect and admiration for Jessie & Derek (son & daughter-in-law) who do this every day with our 3 youngest Grand-dudes; all under the age of 5. Triple WHEW!
FYI, they took a 2-day 'vacation' with their 2 older sons (ages 4 and 3) to Disneyland; hooking up with the other set of grandparents in that experience. Carson, age 1, would have spent his days in a stroller, wanting to be out and enjoying things; but unable to due to his age, size, comprehension of the experience. Better that he remain at home with me (or, rather, that I spend a couple nights in his home).
All this rambling to tell you that I've been away from my regular routine.
Now, home and back to the routine stream of things -- teaching, house- and yardwork, study, etc.
I did teach yesterday -- continuing with my theme of 'mudhya' and working students into some arm balances. It was fun and I am developing a 'usual' group of 3 (the family I mentioned in an earlier blog). They, plus one, made up the class yesterday. Not only are poses looking more polished, there are more smiles and even a bit of laughter as they get to know me and, I guess, develop a comfort level that it's o.k. to express like that.
Even better was watching the effect of the 4th student's advanced practice on the other three. Everyone 'kicked it up a notch', thanks to David's presence in the class. Even hand placement changed, became more precise and dedicated.
Today? Not much, except to settle back in. The weekend holds promise for yoga with friends -- a heavy-duty practice on Saturday, teaching on Sunday, then a partner workshop. Fun!
Hope your Friday is a good one!
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