Sunday, November 6, 2011


The two sessions yesterday with Betsey, that is.  Afternoons, backbends; evening, forward folds.

The good news:  no urdhva dhanurasana; the bad news: no urdhva dhanurasana.  But, what we did do in the way of backbends was pretty challenging, and perhaps a bit more technical.  I found that I haven't lost all my backbending talent -- there were moments of revelation; like, wow -- I can do this (or, at least it felt like I was doing it).

The forward fold class was 'no easy matter', either.  Some challenging stuff there that worked our hips.

I am enjoying this time with Betsey. She is VERY knowledgeable, and - being a bit closer to my age - I am hearing many of the things I say in class used in her languaging.   Maybe it's an 'age-thing', the verbiage we choose to use; or maybe something else about our make-up that is a bit similar.  Haven't figured that out, but I love having some of the phrases I use validated.

I am going to leave this training with some new stuff to try on students, as well.  Betsey, with her 30+ years of teaching experience, has developed some great moves that help to prepare us for the more challenging poses of our practice.

Today?  Handstands.  Another nemesis or dvesha pose.  I enjoy it once I'm in it; it's the kicking-up part that has me baffled, still.  Betsey has lots of good experience in this realm -- let's see what I'm saying after 3 hours of whatever she throws at us.

I'll keep you 'posted'.  And, thank you, Cindy for the 'kick-in-the-rear' reminder about urdhva.

Have a nice Sunday, be it upside-down or rightside-up,

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