Thursday, December 15, 2011


Yes, I am -- off to Denver, that is. Tomorrow. Part of my birthday gift from Howard was to attend the weekend workshop with John Friend in Denver. Nice.

Not wanting to waste any of this valuable time with JF, I signed up for all sessions (I did this 2 years ago in Park City).  This time it may have been a mistake; I'll see.  One, my practice is not as strong as it was then (not enough classes with strong teachers like Adam Ballenger), and two, this week my body decided it was time for the 'annual cold'.  I say 'annual cold' because, traditionally, that is all I ever get -- one cold each and every year.  It comes in like a lion, hangs around for the full 7 days, then leaves me with a residual of gradually declining symptoms for the next few days.

The 'annual cold' arrived with a sore throat last Friday, shifted to stuffy and irritable by Saturday evening, and this morning - well, to describe my nose blowing is just TMI.  That said, my computation is that this Saturday morning (day after tomorrow, the morning of John's first session in Denver), I will still have kleenex next to my mat for those residual symptoms I mentioned.

And, what has all this done to my strength and stamina? There hasn't been a lot of time on my mat this week.  Did do a yogaglo one morning, have taught several classes, and I've spent a considerable amount of time with legs up the wall.  We'll see.  At workshops and trainings with JF, I find a wellspring of unknown-to-me capabilities.  He brings out my best.  But, doing 8 sessions?  That may just be asking for a physical (and emotional) meltdown.  Perhaps I'll observe some -- I'm thinking, in particular, of those morning Int/Adv. morning sessions.

The important thing is that I will be there.  In good company, with people I love to do yoga with, laughing a bit (crying a bit), talking and sharing, all that good stuff.  Great way to begin the countdown to Christmas and New years.  I'll return to Fallbrook with some new ideas, some reminders of poses I forget (or avoid) teaching, and just generally renewed.  No matter how much yoga I do, or how well I'm able to move on my mat, I will be happy just having gone.  Thank you for this gift, Howard.

Today?  Teaching in Carlsbad and in Temecula.  I plan to extend the class time in Carlsbad by 15 minutes, and film it (that's always a question mark due to attendance; but, we'll see).

I hope you have a great Thursday!

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