Thursday, July 19, 2012


As I tapped and sang along to the playlist that Desiree Rumbaugh had for us yesterday (Wisdom Warriors), there was a brief, niggling thought that I was 'too old', 'too worldly', 'too cultured', to be singing along to Lady Gaga (and whoever else what on that list). Fortunately, I quickly put that out of my head -- one of the benefits of being 62 -- and went back to tapping and singing (loudly, I might add).

I must admit, this is one time each week that I let myself loose, let myself have some silly fun, let myself not be the adult in the room.  (I can do 'silly' with my grand-dudes, but this is a different 'silly', if you get my drift.)

So, there we are, in down dog singing "we are young" to some song (sorry, Desiree, I am really bad at remembering names/authors of songs -- just good at singing along with them). I'm holding my own, feeling strong, doing the poses, and barely noticing that I might be tired (guess I wasn't tired).  In the 2-hour practice yesterday, we did a full spectrum of poses -- arm balances, shoulder openers, back opening, hip opening -- she threw the kitchen sink at us, I think.  A little taste of everything in one 2-hour period.  We twisted, we went upside down, we helped each other, we wrapped our arms between and around our legs, we folded, we balanced, whew!

And, when it was over? Well, I still wasn't tired. Amazing. I'm amazed. I notice that my arms are getting stronger, that my shoulder isn't hurting like it was in the first few weeks, and that the one week where right foot, hip AND shoulder all hurt is a distant memory (thank goodness). I go upside down more easily and parvritta trichonasana? well, I nailed that one again (granted, it was better on one side than the other, but isn't that often the case?).

The best part?  That I was able to share this experience with a good friend.  A friend who once was just a social acquaintance (18 years ago), but stumbled on me via this blog and our yoga, a while back. We've been fast blog and Facebook friends since. And, when she knew she was coming to San Diego from Michigan, she made plans to include the Wisdom Warrior's practice in her itinerary. She was on the mat next to me yesterday, having fun (I believe), and doing the work.  Even better?  It was her birthday! Hope you have a great year, Lesley. Look forward to seeing you again, somewhere, sometime soon.  Thanks for spending part of your birthday day with me and the wise ones!

My plans for today?  Teaching Gentle Yoga at 12:30 at Yoga For Life; then to Living Yoga to teach Basics.

Hope you all have a great Thursday, and don't be afraid to sing along once in a while (loudly).  It's great fun!

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