Thursday, August 2, 2012


Yup, you guessed it -- Wisdom Warriors (the practice for 50+ year olds) happened yesterday.  But more about that in a few paragraphs.

I spent the past weekend visiting with my family, small as it is.  This meant an early morning plane ride, one connection, arriving in Spokane at noon on Friday. I then spent time with my Mother, my cousin and his wife (I did say small family, didn't I? There are others in this 'small', just didn't get to see them this trip.).  Left Monday morning -- same drill: early flight - one connection - home by 12:30pm, in time to drive back to Fallbrook for the Library Class.

What a class it was -- well worth the early rise, the plane rides, the long drive -- 30 students!  Be still my heart!  I think the only time I've had more than 30 students was when I did a lunchtime presentation to a group of 100 or so IRS managers in Utah - all in business clothes and many seated. But, they could still breathe and so that's what we did -- breathe, stretch, twist, etc.  But, back to the library.

Because many have done yoga somewhere, sometime, and have been regularly attending this class, I've been gradually increasing the intensity a bit (with modifications offered, since there are still newer people in the room). We moved towards bound parsvakonasana, accompanied by lots of groans and grunts; nevertheless, everyone gave it a try - some with the help of a strap.

Tuesday, Therapeutic/Gentle Yoga turned into a private. Not such a bad thing when the student is struggling with pain in many areas. But, as she pointed out -- one of the reasons to come to class is to get out of the house, away from her computer and into a setting with other people. Not that I'm not a person, but you get her drift, I hope.  That class done, I waited a bit and it was time for Prenatal Yoga.  I've got a few regulars - a newer crop of expecting young women - which makes it fun. Still honing my skills on that niche.

Wednesday morning was spent subbing for a friend's Intermediate/Advanced class; something I don't do often.  Way out of my comfortable niche area, but do-able.  I just don't have that 'kick-ass' look about me, I guess.  It turned out to be a great group - 4 regulars, 3 of whom brought their teen or adult children.  The best part? I asked the youngest of this class to modify his down dog - take a narrower stance, bend his knees slightly and lengthen through his back. Not only did he do it, but he remembered each time we went back to down dog!!  Another 'be still my heart' moment!

And what about WISDOM WARRIORS, you ask?  Photographer in the room! Big time yoga magazine may publish a blurb and photo about the class, plus we want to plaster ourselves all over Facebook.

Do you know what happens when you put a camera in the room with Desiree Rumbaugh?

Out of the box (aka, from the start), Uttanasana (a long one), down dog, parsvakonasana, trichonasana, ardha chandrasana, chapasana, parvritta chandrasana, warrior I, warrior III. And, that was just the beginning. I could rattle off a lot of pose names, let me just say that we did many things, all challenging, all mind (and back) bending.  For 2 hours.

Most frequently heard phrase during those 2 hours?  "o.k., now let's try this  . . ."  

I am not complaining, because in each of the poses we did yesterday (even if I couldn't do it), I was able to see change in myself -- I either felt stronger, or I could isolate something I wasn't able to a week or month ago, or I could ground a hip.  As I've said, for me the pieces and parts of this practice (and its poses) make my day.  Love it.

Today?  Teaching again -- Gentle/Therapeutic at 12:30, Yoga For Life; then Basics at 4pm, Living Yoga Center -- both studios are in Temecula.

Hope your Thursday is grand!

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