Friday, May 27, 2011


In Salt Lake, after 17+ years in one place, I had a very set and (most of the time) comfortable routine. Each day had a rhythm, with a few blips here and there.

Now, I am in Fallbrook and 'routine' is a word I have yet to encounter. Oh, I have a teaching schedule and that helps, but the rest of my days/evenings remain very fluid and unpredictable. This week was no different, here's the re-cap:
Saturday, I did follow through and attend Ashley's (Ashley Lombardo-Fiala) practice on Saturday afternoon -- a 3-hour, "Eye of the Tiger" practice. Though very out-of-shape for this level of yoga, I gave everything a try, and even found feet lifting from the floor in some arm balances, where never before that has happened. Interesting! The best part? Spending time with new yoga friends, laughing, groaning, etc. Even a couple timed handstands and pinchas. The not-so-good? Well, my urdhva has suffered from lack of attention; not surprising, tho.
On Sunday, Ashley (our Certified Anusara® instructor in the area) hosted the 5 Inspired™ instructors at her home. Another shorter practice, a few photos, and a great salad and meeting. The "Inland Empire Anusara® Kula" (the six of us, plus students and any new Anusara® instructors yet-to-arrive, from Riverside, San Bernardino, and NE San Diego Counties) was born -- plans for Facebooking our presence and offerings, a newsletter, getting the word out, etc., were made. We'll all get together again this weekend -- a Memorial Day Anusara® Beach Party, hosted by John Friend.
Mondays are taking the form of a day of rest from whatever weekend activities we participate in. This week was no different. (FYI, our Salt Lake routine was very laid back on weekends, so rest was not needed.) I spent time listening on-line to Amy Ippoliti's SuperHeroes series (catching up), and Tal Rachleff's 'Yoga Teachers Telesummit'. I highly recommend both. Amy's is a continuation of her '90-minutes to change the world' - a 4-week series of webinars designed to give us nuts & bolts advice and guidance for the business side of teaching yoga and being a 'yoga magnet'. Tal's is a compilation of many different yoga teachers, different styles, speaking on various topics (a good part - participation is free). You can find info on both programs through Facebook or their websites (Amy -; Tal -
Tuesday - teaching in Carlsbad and Temecula; basically becoming a day of teaching and driving. Not much time for other stuff.
Wednesday - More contractors at the house. We now have a beautiful set of garage closets/cabinets and that means we can begin to empty more boxes, continue to organize, with storage space, galore! I also was invited to guest teach a noon Gentle Yoga class in Temecula -- guest teaching is the best way to become known here, so all opportunities are accepted - if possible.
Thursday - another teaching day. Carlsbad class is growing! I've created a flier and left it at that studio in hopes it will spark some interest. Patience.
In Temecula, I subbed (guest taught) an early evening class. It is a flow class. Tho, with me teaching, I confessed from the outset that we'd be working on breaking down some poses, rather than flowing. Not a bad thing once in a while; but not always what some students want to hear. Fortunately, this was a very accepting group. We ventured into Ardha Chandra Chapasana, celebrating our journey. (Vijaya -- incremental celebration)
And, today? Need a haircut, have an appointment. Do you know how scary that is after 17 years with the same hair stylist? Once again, out of the comfort zone. Then workmen at the house in the afternoon.
Everyone here is looking forward to the 'Beach Party' I mentioned earlier in this post. Nice weekend; hope the weather holds.
May you, also, enjoy your Memorial Day weekend, whatever your plans include.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Those were major activities of this week -- oh, and lunch with a good friend who also has relocated to the San Diego area within the 2 years. A great way to spend a few hours on Friday.

I enjoyed my first voice-to-voice encounter with my Certification mentor last week. We shared a phone call, in which she offered comments on the video I've submitted. I have to say I was impressed and pleased with what I heard -- the good and the lacking (for lack of a better word). Her work had been thorough and she hit the nail on the head when she offered her thoughts for improvement. The same things I'd been thinking of and worrying about and trying to work on over the last months.
Then, she gave me homework. Not easy homework. Usually, when given something to answer in writing, I can knock it out pretty rapidly -- not this. After thinking about the questions asked for a few days, I began typing - thoughts began to flow - ideas to germinate. All said, the 3-part homework assignment was finished this week - on Thursday - and I sent it in; all 5 pages of single-spaced, typed text. My comment to her: Whew!
And, it was a good exercise for me and will help me as I move forward. Because now, the things I typed I am to put into practice as I teach. Another 'whew', as I contemplate that.
Speaking of teaching, it was a good week. My new student in Carlsbad returned, along with two instructors from the studio. Fun to have people coming to class; it was a lonely first few weeks. As summer begins, I'll be on the lookout for guest teaching opportunities to familiarize myself with the community and increase my exposure.
And, in Temecula, the energy stays good -- more people are coming in to the classes I teach; new-to-me and a few 'repeaters'. In both classes -- the Gentle and the Basics -- we used the wall to experience more opening.
Though I'm hardly in shape these days for a 3-hour practice (that's an admission that I have not been pushing myself very hard, yoga-wise, during this transition period), I think I'll venture out to one led by Ashley later today. Tomorrow, the Anusara (Certified and Inspired) teachers of the 'Inland Empire' (not sure there are very many of us in the Temecula/Riverside/??? area) will meet -- a first! Love it. We will do some yoga and spend time getting to know one another.
The house? It's been a quiet week on the acre -- no painters, no contractor, no window covering person, no gate builders. Even I took a break. I had signed up to go to Tucson for the Intensive with Darren, Amy & Christina; once the decision was made to not follow through on that, the weight lifted and it was as though I was on vacation, I guess. I feel badly I didn't go; however, the good? Reading that participants are now convinced that Hanumanasana is a pose to rest in -- that, to me, means they are working, HARD!
Today - a practice in Temecula. 3 hours of yoga, plus travel time, is a good chunk of the day around here.
Hope your Saturday is a good one!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Boy, look back one year and you saw Leslie (me) diligently posting in her blog almost every day, without fail. Gradually, this has shifted; maybe that's a good thing. We'll see.

Home life remains much the same -- still unpacking, still have contractors & gate builders & sprinkler people & painters scheduled to work or working on the house. Progress, slow but sure. This weekend we must attack the garage -- clear out one bay and make it presentable and ready for the shifting of older storage cabinets into that space, making space for the new ones.
I had a good week of teaching. The Temecula classes are going well -- for being an unknown commodity, people are coming to experience my classes and returning for more. The Carlsbad classes; well, at least the 'zero' barrier was broken this week. That's what it takes, tho -- one person, then another, and another; and - positive thinking - the word will spread and the classes will grow.
I found it interesting and exciting that the experienced student who joined me this week (Carlsbad) enjoyed a couple of 'ah-ha' moments. One of those included simply softening the elbows in her bhujangasana (cobra pose), allowing her shoulders to glide towards the back plane of the body. Her comment: 'totally different, but good, feeling'. Love it!
This weekend? Like I said, more house stuff.
And next week? I was registered for a training with Darren Rhodes, Christina Sell & Amy Ippoliti. Logistically, considering the move, the work we are having done and Howard's work travel, it just is not going to happen. I believe they will have no trouble filling my space, however -- sounds like that is going to be one great training. But, for me, another time.
How does all this fit with the theme I used this week in my classes? Well, lots of effort + a bit of surrender = freedom. When I reflect on my decision about the training next week, I can see that I over-efforted to even register; I clung to that decision until yesterday (effort). When I made the decision to forego the training (surrender), my mood lifted (freedom). There will be other opportunities. (In fact, Ashley Fiala is offering a one-day workshop in Riverside the next weekend -- that one I can happily manage 'logistically'.)
Hope you have a great weekend,

Saturday, May 7, 2011


As I did regularly several months ago, this post will be a bullet-point summation of my week (each day's high- and low-lights); and then I'll sift through my notes and offer a 'tip'. This was a Friday tradition for a long time in my blog, and I've missed the routine of it. Unfortunately, yesterday (Friday) I wasn't missing it as much as this morning (Saturday). So here goes:
  • Monday began with a blog entry detailing my excited expectations for the week, as I began my teaching schedule here in sunny So. Cal. After my own moving, and my week helping my Mother move, it also turned into a day of catching up on rest.
  • The big day (first day of teaching) was Tuesday -- a 10:30 am class in Carlsbad, named simply "Anusara-Inspired Yoga". Unfortunately, the class was posted to the studio's schedule just 2 days before, leaving precious little time for people to see it and work it into their schedule. In other words, no one came. I've offered some ideas for marketing for the studio as a whole, and I'll do my part. On to Temecula, where several students attended my Therapeutic/Gentle Yoga class. To be truthful, none needed therapy, but they were looking for a more gentle class, as each was somewhat new to yoga.
  • Wow! Wednesday arrived and with it a burst of energy. Lots of our artwork got sorted and hung, a few pieces of furniture re-arranged, the bed - which had been missing it's formal attire - was put right. A very productive day! Best of all, it concluded with time spent with 'grand-dudes' and dinner with the family at their home.
  • Thursday -- my second day of teaching in the week. Another 'bust' in Carlsbad; patience, patience, patience (and marketing). Thursdays I have several hours between classes, so I used it to run an errand, then home for some lunch before I headed up to Temecula. The class on Thursdays begins at 4pm and is a 'basics/intermediate' class. Once again, students in attendance -- a good thing.
  • Friday fell apart, schedule-wise -- several things I had planned to happen (deliveries, etc.) didn't happen. The big one did, tho -- delivery of the elliptical that will share my yoga space at home. Howard arrived home from his week-long work travels, and we critiqued another Fallbrook dining establishment (we went to dinner).
So, now it's early Saturday morning. Several things to accomplish today, including work on a class plan for tomorrow (I'm guest teaching in Temecula in the morning). And, where's that tip? Be right back.

- tic toc - tic toc - tic toc -

On Thursday, I had the opportunity to demo twice in class -- not having taught for a while, I had to go back to my memory bank and pull out the 'instructions' for demo'ing effectively. As I perused notes, I came across this brief description of a demo -- I'll add my 2-cents in italics:

Demos should include 2 key alignment points. Format for demo:

  • Ask all students to move closer to view the demo (Temptation is for students to stay on their mats; take the seat - call them over. If it's a large class, ask the students closest to kneel so that those behind are able to see.)
  • Do pose (silence is best -- there is something about the brain's ability to see and absorb without words that is beneficial; per Christina Sell)
  • Repeat, pointing out 2 key points (Keep it to 2 points, easier for students to understand. These 2 points should relate to our theme and alignment focus.)
  • Repeat again (Yes, repeat; perhaps on the second side or at a different angle so everyone can see.)
  • Any questions? (Ask if there are any questions about the pose or the elements being pointed out.)
I hope you all have a great weekend. Enjoy Mother's Day!

Monday, May 2, 2011


What, now you have a horse? No -- that is just my 'catchy' title for my first week of teaching yoga in So. California. Tomorrow is the day - first class at 10:30 am, a basic Anusara-Inspired™ class in Carlsbad. Then, up to Temecula for a 2 pm class, titled "Therapeutic/Gentle Yoga" (I understand there were people trying to attend last week -- a good thing, even tho I wasn't there.).

On Thursday, the morning will be the same - 10:30 am, basic Anusara-Inspired™ in Carlsbad. The afternoon, however, will change a bit -- 4 pm, basic Anusara-Inspired™, back in Temecula.
I think I mentioned in an earlier blog that I'm going to stick with this Tues/Thurs schedule for a while, see how it feels, and - perhaps - fill in around it. When I left Salt Lake, I had built a pretty crazy schedule for myself -- several regular private clients, plus 4 classes each week, everything on a different day/time. I felt like I was always running, and - even - forgetting at times. This will be an opportunity to start fresh and keep it simple.
Just to catch you up on my family 'stuff' - my Mother is moved. She was not happy about the smaller apartment and let us know it in her signature style -- I'd call it passive-aggressive, you might call it stomping your feet while saying "I'll just get used to it". No matter what I (or you) call it, by Friday morning she was in a better humor -- planning where to hang some pictures (something she never did at the previous apartment), and going down to the dining hall for her meals (also something she never did at the previous apartment). Everything was moved by late afternoon on Friday, some pictures were hung, and much of the moved 'stuff' was unpacked.
Saturday morning (early) I was on a plane back to Orange County (via SLC). All going smooth as silk, until I discovered I had forgotten to turn headlights off and had a dead battery. Fortunately, the tow truck arrived quickly and I was on the road south to Fallbrook by 2:30 pm (instead of 1, as I had planned). Double fortunate -- traffic was light and the drive took just an hour.
Dinner Saturday night was out with Howard - nice. And Sunday, was our first opportunity to have the grand-dudes and their cousins out for dinner (plus their parents). We have a great space outside, but no patio furniture to speak of. Instead I suggested a picnic on the grass for the kids -- you'd have thought I offered them gold or something. So fun to see that excitement.
Now, back to my post title -- about the saddle. What will my theme be? What will I teach these new-to-me (and possibly new-to-yoga) students? I think I'll need a couple plans, since they are very different populations on Tuesdays. And, even with plans, I'll need to stay flexible; teach to what appears in the room. But then, I like doing that.
Today? Carpet to be installed in our combination yoga / workout space (I've worked a deal with husband to share the room -- he gets half for his equipment; I get half for my mat. Since it's a decent sized room, I think that's a pretty good deal, considering the size of yoga mats vs. ellipticals and spin cycles.) I'll also work on ideas for tomorrow's teaching, and rest a bit. Might even take in a yoga class later today.
Hope you have a great Monday!