Now, I am in Fallbrook and 'routine' is a word I have yet to encounter. Oh, I have a teaching schedule and that helps, but the rest of my days/evenings remain very fluid and unpredictable. This week was no different, here's the re-cap:
Saturday, I did follow through and attend Ashley's (Ashley Lombardo-Fiala) practice on Saturday afternoon -- a 3-hour, "Eye of the Tiger" practice. Though very out-of-shape for this level of yoga, I gave everything a try, and even found feet lifting from the floor in some arm balances, where never before that has happened. Interesting! The best part? Spending time with new yoga friends, laughing, groaning, etc. Even a couple timed handstands and pinchas. The not-so-good? Well, my urdhva has suffered from lack of attention; not surprising, tho.
On Sunday, Ashley (our Certified Anusara® instructor in the area) hosted the 5 Inspired™ instructors at her home. Another shorter practice, a few photos, and a great salad and meeting. The "Inland Empire Anusara® Kula" (the six of us, plus students and any new Anusara® instructors yet-to-arrive, from Riverside, San Bernardino, and NE San Diego Counties) was born -- plans for Facebooking our presence and offerings, a newsletter, getting the word out, etc., were made. We'll all get together again this weekend -- a Memorial Day Anusara® Beach Party, hosted by John Friend.
Mondays are taking the form of a day of rest from whatever weekend activities we participate in. This week was no different. (FYI, our Salt Lake routine was very laid back on weekends, so rest was not needed.) I spent time listening on-line to Amy Ippoliti's SuperHeroes series (catching up), and Tal Rachleff's 'Yoga Teachers Telesummit'. I highly recommend both. Amy's is a continuation of her '90-minutes to change the world' - a 4-week series of webinars designed to give us nuts & bolts advice and guidance for the business side of teaching yoga and being a 'yoga magnet'. Tal's is a compilation of many different yoga teachers, different styles, speaking on various topics (a good part - participation is free). You can find info on both programs through Facebook or their websites (Amy -; Tal -
Tuesday - teaching in Carlsbad and Temecula; basically becoming a day of teaching and driving. Not much time for other stuff.
Wednesday - More contractors at the house. We now have a beautiful set of garage closets/cabinets and that means we can begin to empty more boxes, continue to organize, with storage space, galore! I also was invited to guest teach a noon Gentle Yoga class in Temecula -- guest teaching is the best way to become known here, so all opportunities are accepted - if possible.
Thursday - another teaching day. Carlsbad class is growing! I've created a flier and left it at that studio in hopes it will spark some interest. Patience.
In Temecula, I subbed (guest taught) an early evening class. It is a flow class. Tho, with me teaching, I confessed from the outset that we'd be working on breaking down some poses, rather than flowing. Not a bad thing once in a while; but not always what some students want to hear. Fortunately, this was a very accepting group. We ventured into Ardha Chandra Chapasana, celebrating our journey. (Vijaya -- incremental celebration)
And, today? Need a haircut, have an appointment. Do you know how scary that is after 17 years with the same hair stylist? Once again, out of the comfort zone. Then workmen at the house in the afternoon.
Everyone here is looking forward to the 'Beach Party' I mentioned earlier in this post. Nice weekend; hope the weather holds.
May you, also, enjoy your Memorial Day weekend, whatever your plans include.