Since April 2012, I have traveled each Wednesday to Del Mar (about a 40-minute freeway drive, if the 'traffic gods' are with me). That is, excepting 3 Wednesdays -- yesterday was the third.
Why? Well, you can only drive so much and living in So. Calif. requires a LOT of driving. I have a workshop this weekend, which will require I drive to LaJolla (maybe 70-minutes, on a REALLY good day) tonight and each of the next 3 days. I'm excited to do it, tho; drive, that is -- this will be the second more intensive workshop I've done since December 2011.
Now that I've piqued your curiosity, I'll give you the goods: the workshop presenter is Bo Forbes (for those of you who don't know her, neither do I). But, the topic is great (therapeutic yoga), and her credentials are stellar (clinical psychologist and yoga instructor/therapist), and she comes highly recommended. I also did a bit of research on the internet and watched a clip of her teaching before I signed up -- just to be sure what I was getting myself in to.
Why her? and why this topic? Well, in my teaching, there has been a shift to the more therapeutic (my choice - I love figuring out why something is not working at its optimal state). And, I remember a statement from one of my teachers -- that the injury/condition will sometimes become a part of a student's identity. Meaning: take it away or cure it and what have they got to deal with, worry about, talk about; like that.
Example: One day, waiting for my Mother at the beauty shop, when a couple came in (her, for a haircut; him, to wait). He and I acknowledged one another in the small waiting room, and it wasn't long (like 2 minutes) before he was telling me all about his back problems -- how many procedures he'd had, what his limitations were, how bad the pain was. I had noticed a cane, but I had not said word one to unleash his comments -- just 'hello'. That single moment became proof positive of what my teacher had said -- this man's identity was clearly entwined with his back issues. What would happen if someone 'fixed' him; what would he have to think, talk, worry about?
The psychologist part of this presenter promises to unravel just how to deal with students who are tightly connected to their 'stuff'. Promising isn't it? I'll keep you posted.
It's also my birthday -- 63 today. Remember 3 years ago, when I did the dumb countdown to my 60th? That was back when I was posting to this blog every day and - clearly - was searching for stuff to write about. My gift from my husband? A stool specifically designed with the guitarist in mind -- not only can you sit on it, but it has a foot rest, and is shaped so that you can lower two levers and it becomes a guitar stand!!! You must own a guitar to understand how valuable this is. I have two guitars that I play each day. One already had a stand, the other I kept in it's case. How nice it will be to have each guitar out and ready to be played at will. I also got artwork from the Grand-Dudes (special!), and a gift certificate from Nordstrom's (watch out!).
So, what happens today? Taking one of the dogs for a longer walk, then teaching one class, then home until time to drive to the first session of the above-mentioned workshop.
I hope you have a great Thursday!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Wisdom Warriors, "Hot, Power Yoga" and Gratitude
It's been a busy week. So happy, first, to have my laptop back. Not sure its totally fixed, but it's better and it is a lot easier to do typing on than the iPad.
Holidays always bring more subbing into the picture; yoga teachers have families and friends who want them to visit, and so -- we go. I stayed home this year and, as a result, have been able to help my friends by subbing their classes ('guest teach' in some vernaculars).
I began with subbing the Basic class on Sunday morning, then taught a Gentle class Monday morning, returning to Fallbrook to my beloved Library class (25 in the room, with laughter all around). Tuesday, I planned to sub one class then teach my own. I received an unusual request, however -- would I sub the 'hot power' class earlier in the morning -- then teach the following two classes. Me? Teach 'hot power'? I've taken one or two in my 15+ years, but teach? It's a stretch! I said 'yes' with the caveat 'it may not be as hot as they like it'. I ended up in an 85 degree room with 8 beautiful students - all wanting to SWEAT (two even left their hoodies on!?!?!?) Then it was on to the community class -- one hour, two students. And, finally, my own Gentle/Therapeutic. Fortunately, for me and them, they were ready to restore a bit.
Wednesday -- well, we all know what Wednesdays are -- Wisdom Warriors Day! In Desiree's mind -- Backbends Day. Lots of emphasis on our upper back -- getting heart to soften between strong shoulders; armbones seated in shoulder sockets. Many minutes of this work - hard work - to get to one or two backbends! But, that's just me whining, and that doesn't hold much weight. I did do one full urdhva; it's been a long time since that's happened. The BEST moment -- watching (and photographing) Debra in full Hanumanasana with arms stretched to the max! What a pose! So good, I've plastered it all over Facebook and put it here, in case you haven't seen it:
And, then there was Lonnie -- giving us a beautiful version of Ardha Chandrasana:
Remember, you must be 60+ years old to do the Hanumanasana with such expression, and 70+ to do a smiling ardha chandrasana. It's the rule!
Today? Spending it with my son and his family, Jessie's (daughter-in-law) parents are here from Lodi, and a host of friends. Looking forward to a peaceful, harmonious day -- with a bit of grand-dude energy thrown in (that may mean loud and raucous).
May you have a great day!
Holidays always bring more subbing into the picture; yoga teachers have families and friends who want them to visit, and so -- we go. I stayed home this year and, as a result, have been able to help my friends by subbing their classes ('guest teach' in some vernaculars).
I began with subbing the Basic class on Sunday morning, then taught a Gentle class Monday morning, returning to Fallbrook to my beloved Library class (25 in the room, with laughter all around). Tuesday, I planned to sub one class then teach my own. I received an unusual request, however -- would I sub the 'hot power' class earlier in the morning -- then teach the following two classes. Me? Teach 'hot power'? I've taken one or two in my 15+ years, but teach? It's a stretch! I said 'yes' with the caveat 'it may not be as hot as they like it'. I ended up in an 85 degree room with 8 beautiful students - all wanting to SWEAT (two even left their hoodies on!?!?!?) Then it was on to the community class -- one hour, two students. And, finally, my own Gentle/Therapeutic. Fortunately, for me and them, they were ready to restore a bit.
Wednesday -- well, we all know what Wednesdays are -- Wisdom Warriors Day! In Desiree's mind -- Backbends Day. Lots of emphasis on our upper back -- getting heart to soften between strong shoulders; armbones seated in shoulder sockets. Many minutes of this work - hard work - to get to one or two backbends! But, that's just me whining, and that doesn't hold much weight. I did do one full urdhva; it's been a long time since that's happened. The BEST moment -- watching (and photographing) Debra in full Hanumanasana with arms stretched to the max! What a pose! So good, I've plastered it all over Facebook and put it here, in case you haven't seen it:
And, then there was Lonnie -- giving us a beautiful version of Ardha Chandrasana:
Remember, you must be 60+ years old to do the Hanumanasana with such expression, and 70+ to do a smiling ardha chandrasana. It's the rule!
Today? Spending it with my son and his family, Jessie's (daughter-in-law) parents are here from Lodi, and a host of friends. Looking forward to a peaceful, harmonious day -- with a bit of grand-dude energy thrown in (that may mean loud and raucous).
May you have a great day!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
This is being typed on my 'new' iPad, so it may be short (not used to it yet). Long story short, took laptop into apple store, they are running some tests, fortunately I have an alternate 'machine'.
My 'new' iPad is actually almost 2 years old ( yes, one of the first), but sat unused in my cabinet until about 2 months ago. So, here goes:
Wisdom warriors, 11/14/12, starring Desiree Rumbaugh, co-starring Geri Portnoy, supporting cast Debra Hodgson and others - too numerous to name. The scene opens, we see a crowd of beautiful women with several men breaking up the sea of glamour. All eyes are directed to the center of the room (stage) where our star is balancing on her hands moving from tittibasana to bakasana with ease.
Imagine the cast's wonder, disbelief, and fear when she suggests we all try! Some of us do (try), some with success. Many, however, watch and smile -- yes, she is the leader And she is the BEST!
Our scene closes, we are resting now; feeling good about our efforts, our camaraderie, our sharing. So much gratitude in the room. We'll be back next week.
This cast member travels to Temecula today; guiding 2 classes. May not include the two poses mentioned above, but I have a lot of other material to work with and offer.
Hope you have a great Thursday !
Contemplation: what are you grateful for?
My 'new' iPad is actually almost 2 years old ( yes, one of the first), but sat unused in my cabinet until about 2 months ago. So, here goes:
Wisdom warriors, 11/14/12, starring Desiree Rumbaugh, co-starring Geri Portnoy, supporting cast Debra Hodgson and others - too numerous to name. The scene opens, we see a crowd of beautiful women with several men breaking up the sea of glamour. All eyes are directed to the center of the room (stage) where our star is balancing on her hands moving from tittibasana to bakasana with ease.
Imagine the cast's wonder, disbelief, and fear when she suggests we all try! Some of us do (try), some with success. Many, however, watch and smile -- yes, she is the leader And she is the BEST!
Our scene closes, we are resting now; feeling good about our efforts, our camaraderie, our sharing. So much gratitude in the room. We'll be back next week.
This cast member travels to Temecula today; guiding 2 classes. May not include the two poses mentioned above, but I have a lot of other material to work with and offer.
Hope you have a great Thursday !
Contemplation: what are you grateful for?
Monday, November 12, 2012
I've been in So. Cal. for 18+ months now and today will be one of less-than-five times I've gone to 'lunch'. And - better part - it is with my 'Wisdom Warrior' buddies. Ought to be fun.
As to teaching today at the Library -- well Federal holidays usually mean the Library is closed; as it is today. So, no class. I announced it last week, just hope people were paying attention. When they arrive and the doors are locked, I guess they'll get the message. Sorry!
I finished up a 4-session workshop series this past Saturday. It began in August with a 2-hour session on the feet; September, the knees; October, the hips; and November - the finale, 'puttin it all together'. The workshop was held at the smaller of the two studios in Temecula, but it has a demographic more interested in these topics. Funny how that works. A studio atmosphere can attract a certain type of student . . .
I guess I learned that in Salt Lake; but it is a recurring theme, not just applicable to the studio I owned.
On a personal note, I am still practicing (guitar). It's great to 'make' music, as opposed to just listening to others. So glad I made myself do this. Lessons and all !
This is short; excited for lunch and wanted to share. Hope you all have a great Monday and holiday.
Thank you to all the who have served and are serving in our military! You have my deepest respect and gratitude.
As to teaching today at the Library -- well Federal holidays usually mean the Library is closed; as it is today. So, no class. I announced it last week, just hope people were paying attention. When they arrive and the doors are locked, I guess they'll get the message. Sorry!
I finished up a 4-session workshop series this past Saturday. It began in August with a 2-hour session on the feet; September, the knees; October, the hips; and November - the finale, 'puttin it all together'. The workshop was held at the smaller of the two studios in Temecula, but it has a demographic more interested in these topics. Funny how that works. A studio atmosphere can attract a certain type of student . . .
I guess I learned that in Salt Lake; but it is a recurring theme, not just applicable to the studio I owned.
On a personal note, I am still practicing (guitar). It's great to 'make' music, as opposed to just listening to others. So glad I made myself do this. Lessons and all !
This is short; excited for lunch and wanted to share. Hope you all have a great Monday and holiday.
Thank you to all the who have served and are serving in our military! You have my deepest respect and gratitude.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
CREATIVE YOGA (A new class name?)
Wednesday (yesterday) was Wisdom Warriors day -- the practice with Desiree Rumbaugh reserved for those of us who practice yoga AND are over the age of 50. By now, most of the dedicated readers of this blog are used to the idea of my writing about experiences -- if you're new, however, you will learn more about Wisdom Warriors here.
As I've mentioned before, the inception of this class has been a 'hallelujah moment' for my yoga practice. Giving me inspiration, support, fun -- in a year fraught with disappointment for my advanced yoga certification aspirations. Long sentence to say 'I was pretty upset about the time Des started Wisdom Warriors and now I feel better'. It's also been savior to this blog -- offering me something to write about when my own teaching and writing felt 'less than'. So much for the 'poor me'.
So yesterday, as I've done almost every Wednesday since April 2012, I loaded into my RED Volkswagen and headed into Del Mar (after getting my hair trimmed and colored - one must look good for this practice). I met a friend in Carlsbad and we carpooled leisurely down the 101 (coast highway) to Del Mar, arriving early, ready to begin (this was Anne's first WW practice).
We set our mats across from one another, waited; Desiree began by talking about an article she read recently that speaks to the lack of creativity being encouraged in public education these days - a result of budget constraints, etc. Anyway, this article encouraged her to speak to us and to work with us on a 'creative' way of getting into poses -- right up my alley -- specifically, backbends.
Chairs were pulled out, as were blocks and blankets. The creative work began. Exploring poses -- hands flat then up on fingertips, more opening -- ribs and belly engaged, more strength -- glutes engaged, hamstrings happier. Like that.
Fun stuff -- rolling around on chairs, blocks, blankets -- feeling our shoulderblades against the cold aluminum of a chair seat is not the usual yoga class encounter, BUT it is creative. So, that's how we went.
My friend survived and says she enjoyed it -- even sent me a thank you note last night. I enjoyed having someone to chat with during the drive to and fro, and to laugh with during the practice.
We all supported one another in some pretty challenging positions. And, that's one of the main reasons we do this practice.
Today -- Teaching Gentle/Therapeutic at Yoga for Life in Temecula at 12:30; then guiding the Temecula Wisdom Warriors at 2:30pm at Living Yoga.
Hope you enjoy your Thursday!
As I've mentioned before, the inception of this class has been a 'hallelujah moment' for my yoga practice. Giving me inspiration, support, fun -- in a year fraught with disappointment for my advanced yoga certification aspirations. Long sentence to say 'I was pretty upset about the time Des started Wisdom Warriors and now I feel better'. It's also been savior to this blog -- offering me something to write about when my own teaching and writing felt 'less than'. So much for the 'poor me'.
So yesterday, as I've done almost every Wednesday since April 2012, I loaded into my RED Volkswagen and headed into Del Mar (after getting my hair trimmed and colored - one must look good for this practice). I met a friend in Carlsbad and we carpooled leisurely down the 101 (coast highway) to Del Mar, arriving early, ready to begin (this was Anne's first WW practice).
We set our mats across from one another, waited; Desiree began by talking about an article she read recently that speaks to the lack of creativity being encouraged in public education these days - a result of budget constraints, etc. Anyway, this article encouraged her to speak to us and to work with us on a 'creative' way of getting into poses -- right up my alley -- specifically, backbends.
Chairs were pulled out, as were blocks and blankets. The creative work began. Exploring poses -- hands flat then up on fingertips, more opening -- ribs and belly engaged, more strength -- glutes engaged, hamstrings happier. Like that.
Fun stuff -- rolling around on chairs, blocks, blankets -- feeling our shoulderblades against the cold aluminum of a chair seat is not the usual yoga class encounter, BUT it is creative. So, that's how we went.
My friend survived and says she enjoyed it -- even sent me a thank you note last night. I enjoyed having someone to chat with during the drive to and fro, and to laugh with during the practice.
We all supported one another in some pretty challenging positions. And, that's one of the main reasons we do this practice.
Today -- Teaching Gentle/Therapeutic at Yoga for Life in Temecula at 12:30; then guiding the Temecula Wisdom Warriors at 2:30pm at Living Yoga.
Hope you enjoy your Thursday!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
And, I teach yoga. What's that about?
I recently started playing the guitar (not sure I can call it playing yet; practicing is more like it). Anyway, for 3 months, I've been strumming and plucking away. Putting my fingers into little known shapes, trying to make music. Re-shaping, so to speak (kind of like our yoga practice at times).
So far, I have 3 guitars (a sign of my enthusiasm and e-bay's draw). The first one I bought last year, but haven't given much attention -- it's small, more of a traveling guitar. So, I bought another, larger one, began practicing in more earnest and even began lessons (taken 4, so far). Then, the lure of the acoustic and electric guitar got me, so I bought another -- bringing my arsenal to 3. (This is a family trait, learned well from my Father.)
I took the favored guitar in to Carlsbad yesterday, where I was to spend time with youngest grandson - Carson (age 2). He was excited to see it arrive (tho he had never seen me with a guitar before), wanted to 'play' it (pull the strings is a more apt description). After brothers and Mom left, Carson and I loaded into the car, and went to the 'eetar' store, where Grandma did her 'grandma' thing -- buying him a bright green ukulele (his very own 'eetar'). We then walked a bit, had lunch at a local cafe, and it was back to the house to play the 'eetars'.
Hold on, I'm getting to the yoga.
Once Mom & brothers arrived home, I was off to Wisdom Warriors in Del Mar. It made me very happy that Carson excitedly ran to the door to show Mom his 'eetar' (the pick given to him by the 'eetar' store owner, was also a big hit).
And, about Wisdom Warriors? A certain someone returned after a few weeks of resting her hip. And, as a result, the practice focused on a more therapeutic hip and lower back practice. Plus lots of ribs in and abs energized. And, what do I have to say about that? It was all good -- my inner thighs are a bit tender with certain movements this morning, but in a good way.
I'll transmit much of what we worked on to my own Wisdom Warriors group this afternoon. I say 'group' with a bit of tongue in cheek. Been holding this class for 8 weeks now -- biggest attendance was 7 in session 2; since then it's fluctuated. Growth takes time. Worried that some may think it's the 'old ladies' class' -- something one student said when she attended her first practice. Just keep plugging.
What else will happen today? I teach a gentle/therapeutic class before the WW practice; I'm sure I'll use much of what Desiree showed us with that group, also.
Hope you have a great Thursday!
I recently started playing the guitar (not sure I can call it playing yet; practicing is more like it). Anyway, for 3 months, I've been strumming and plucking away. Putting my fingers into little known shapes, trying to make music. Re-shaping, so to speak (kind of like our yoga practice at times).
So far, I have 3 guitars (a sign of my enthusiasm and e-bay's draw). The first one I bought last year, but haven't given much attention -- it's small, more of a traveling guitar. So, I bought another, larger one, began practicing in more earnest and even began lessons (taken 4, so far). Then, the lure of the acoustic and electric guitar got me, so I bought another -- bringing my arsenal to 3. (This is a family trait, learned well from my Father.)
I took the favored guitar in to Carlsbad yesterday, where I was to spend time with youngest grandson - Carson (age 2). He was excited to see it arrive (tho he had never seen me with a guitar before), wanted to 'play' it (pull the strings is a more apt description). After brothers and Mom left, Carson and I loaded into the car, and went to the 'eetar' store, where Grandma did her 'grandma' thing -- buying him a bright green ukulele (his very own 'eetar'). We then walked a bit, had lunch at a local cafe, and it was back to the house to play the 'eetars'.
Hold on, I'm getting to the yoga.
Once Mom & brothers arrived home, I was off to Wisdom Warriors in Del Mar. It made me very happy that Carson excitedly ran to the door to show Mom his 'eetar' (the pick given to him by the 'eetar' store owner, was also a big hit).
And, about Wisdom Warriors? A certain someone returned after a few weeks of resting her hip. And, as a result, the practice focused on a more therapeutic hip and lower back practice. Plus lots of ribs in and abs energized. And, what do I have to say about that? It was all good -- my inner thighs are a bit tender with certain movements this morning, but in a good way.
I'll transmit much of what we worked on to my own Wisdom Warriors group this afternoon. I say 'group' with a bit of tongue in cheek. Been holding this class for 8 weeks now -- biggest attendance was 7 in session 2; since then it's fluctuated. Growth takes time. Worried that some may think it's the 'old ladies' class' -- something one student said when she attended her first practice. Just keep plugging.
What else will happen today? I teach a gentle/therapeutic class before the WW practice; I'm sure I'll use much of what Desiree showed us with that group, also.
Hope you have a great Thursday!
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