Here's a confession -- I wrote a post yesterday, published it, left it up for about 9 hours, then deleted it. Why? As I wrote it, I kept thinking -- why? why write this? why turn this blog into your own personal 'whining post'? I did continue, tho; and was plagued for the next few hours with misgiving -- like, it wasn't right. So, I erased it. I felt better after erasing it, but notice that a few people had looked at it. If that was you, sorry about that.
Now to the coincidence part. On Monday, Howard and I ventured out to exchange some Christmas gifts. We actually drove north to South Coast Plaza (one of the larger malls, located in Costa Mesa), despite the warnings of traffic congestion, crowds in the mall, etc. We did leave home early, which helped with the traffic issue going north, and allowed us to shop for an hour or so without the massive crowds. As we were leaving the mall, it was definitely crowded -- not my choice of place to be. We passed a favorite store and slipped in (attracted by the 'SALE' signs). While there we bought some discounted Christmas decorations and a book.
What book? "The Happiness Project"
And, what coincidence? I began to read the book this morning. Got through the introduction and a bit into Chapter 1. It addresses the exact issues that I wrote about yesterday - that's the coincidence.
The author's dilemma -- she has a good life - loving husband, good children, nice home, job she enjoys, etc., etc., etc. While not exactly the same situation as me, this quote from the author describes my dilemma: "I have such a good life, I want to appreciate it more -- and live up to it better." ("Live up to it better" - interesting and challenging.)
And, she's not talking about changing her circumstances; she's talking about appreciating the ordinary day, setting some higher standards for her everyday life, and taking a broader view to let go of annoyances. (Those are her words, just re-organized into this blog.)
Perfect. Just what I need to do. I'll continue reading -- I think this will be good for me.
Library class today -- hoo-ray; love this class! Hope you have a good Wednesday.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
I SURVIVED (but still have the cold)
The Denver workshop was a good one -- tons of people, lots of laughter and chatter, seeing old friends, making new ones; and then, there was the yoga - inspiring and also sprinkled with laughter and - for me - perspiration (a result of the cold?).
I am glad I went, tho I struggled - so glad I decided to do just the Mixed Level practice. Colds are supposed to last 10 days (according to my doctor); this one is now on day 11 -- what's up with that?
So, it's almost Christmas. My husband has been like a busy 'elf' decorating this new-to-us house (lights, lighted wreath, etc.), and we put up a bigger tree this year. Looks at least a bit 'holiday-ish' around here. And, in our neighborhood, which is very dark, we stand out.
In my teaching, since Thanksgiving, I've stuck with balance as a theme. Partly because I want to be prepared for the class with six students in it, so I can turn the video camera on and use a familiar, well-prepared theme; and also because it is such an important theme off my mat. Staying balanced throughout the holidays, when everything seems to want to pull me OFF balance -- food (Love those cookies), drink (tho I don't drink anymore), spending on gifts, scheduling my time. For me, the spending is particularly important. For example, I shopped yesterday for some last minute things and kept wanting to buy more. It was hard to remember that I already had gifts, that I didn't need to buy that little extra something for so-and-so, that I had achieved balance. Always a practice.
Can't be sure I'll write again before Christmas, so I will take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful holiday - no matter how you celebrate or not. I love that I can feel and share the peace, generosity and harmony of spirit that comes with this day.
Have a great Thursday!
I am glad I went, tho I struggled - so glad I decided to do just the Mixed Level practice. Colds are supposed to last 10 days (according to my doctor); this one is now on day 11 -- what's up with that?
So, it's almost Christmas. My husband has been like a busy 'elf' decorating this new-to-us house (lights, lighted wreath, etc.), and we put up a bigger tree this year. Looks at least a bit 'holiday-ish' around here. And, in our neighborhood, which is very dark, we stand out.
In my teaching, since Thanksgiving, I've stuck with balance as a theme. Partly because I want to be prepared for the class with six students in it, so I can turn the video camera on and use a familiar, well-prepared theme; and also because it is such an important theme off my mat. Staying balanced throughout the holidays, when everything seems to want to pull me OFF balance -- food (Love those cookies), drink (tho I don't drink anymore), spending on gifts, scheduling my time. For me, the spending is particularly important. For example, I shopped yesterday for some last minute things and kept wanting to buy more. It was hard to remember that I already had gifts, that I didn't need to buy that little extra something for so-and-so, that I had achieved balance. Always a practice.
Can't be sure I'll write again before Christmas, so I will take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful holiday - no matter how you celebrate or not. I love that I can feel and share the peace, generosity and harmony of spirit that comes with this day.
Have a great Thursday!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Yes, I am -- off to Denver, that is. Tomorrow. Part of my birthday gift from Howard was to attend the weekend workshop with John Friend in Denver. Nice.
Not wanting to waste any of this valuable time with JF, I signed up for all sessions (I did this 2 years ago in Park City). This time it may have been a mistake; I'll see. One, my practice is not as strong as it was then (not enough classes with strong teachers like Adam Ballenger), and two, this week my body decided it was time for the 'annual cold'. I say 'annual cold' because, traditionally, that is all I ever get -- one cold each and every year. It comes in like a lion, hangs around for the full 7 days, then leaves me with a residual of gradually declining symptoms for the next few days.
The 'annual cold' arrived with a sore throat last Friday, shifted to stuffy and irritable by Saturday evening, and this morning - well, to describe my nose blowing is just TMI. That said, my computation is that this Saturday morning (day after tomorrow, the morning of John's first session in Denver), I will still have kleenex next to my mat for those residual symptoms I mentioned.
And, what has all this done to my strength and stamina? There hasn't been a lot of time on my mat this week. Did do a yogaglo one morning, have taught several classes, and I've spent a considerable amount of time with legs up the wall. We'll see. At workshops and trainings with JF, I find a wellspring of unknown-to-me capabilities. He brings out my best. But, doing 8 sessions? That may just be asking for a physical (and emotional) meltdown. Perhaps I'll observe some -- I'm thinking, in particular, of those morning Int/Adv. morning sessions.
The important thing is that I will be there. In good company, with people I love to do yoga with, laughing a bit (crying a bit), talking and sharing, all that good stuff. Great way to begin the countdown to Christmas and New years. I'll return to Fallbrook with some new ideas, some reminders of poses I forget (or avoid) teaching, and just generally renewed. No matter how much yoga I do, or how well I'm able to move on my mat, I will be happy just having gone. Thank you for this gift, Howard.
Today? Teaching in Carlsbad and in Temecula. I plan to extend the class time in Carlsbad by 15 minutes, and film it (that's always a question mark due to attendance; but, we'll see).
I hope you have a great Thursday!
Not wanting to waste any of this valuable time with JF, I signed up for all sessions (I did this 2 years ago in Park City). This time it may have been a mistake; I'll see. One, my practice is not as strong as it was then (not enough classes with strong teachers like Adam Ballenger), and two, this week my body decided it was time for the 'annual cold'. I say 'annual cold' because, traditionally, that is all I ever get -- one cold each and every year. It comes in like a lion, hangs around for the full 7 days, then leaves me with a residual of gradually declining symptoms for the next few days.
The 'annual cold' arrived with a sore throat last Friday, shifted to stuffy and irritable by Saturday evening, and this morning - well, to describe my nose blowing is just TMI. That said, my computation is that this Saturday morning (day after tomorrow, the morning of John's first session in Denver), I will still have kleenex next to my mat for those residual symptoms I mentioned.
And, what has all this done to my strength and stamina? There hasn't been a lot of time on my mat this week. Did do a yogaglo one morning, have taught several classes, and I've spent a considerable amount of time with legs up the wall. We'll see. At workshops and trainings with JF, I find a wellspring of unknown-to-me capabilities. He brings out my best. But, doing 8 sessions? That may just be asking for a physical (and emotional) meltdown. Perhaps I'll observe some -- I'm thinking, in particular, of those morning Int/Adv. morning sessions.
The important thing is that I will be there. In good company, with people I love to do yoga with, laughing a bit (crying a bit), talking and sharing, all that good stuff. Great way to begin the countdown to Christmas and New years. I'll return to Fallbrook with some new ideas, some reminders of poses I forget (or avoid) teaching, and just generally renewed. No matter how much yoga I do, or how well I'm able to move on my mat, I will be happy just having gone. Thank you for this gift, Howard.
Today? Teaching in Carlsbad and in Temecula. I plan to extend the class time in Carlsbad by 15 minutes, and film it (that's always a question mark due to attendance; but, we'll see).
I hope you have a great Thursday!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Thank You
A thank you to everyone who sent me a note, a FB message, an e-mail -- whatever -- thank you for taking the time to express your thoughts.
I taught two fairly respectable classes yesterday. Interestingly, the Carlsbad class was larger than the Temecula one -- that rarely happens. I noticed a bit of hoarseness during the morning class. Result: This morning, I am dealing with a sore throat; maybe the beginnings of a cold. After this week, that's not surprising -- a bit of sleep deprivation, stress, emotional upset, travel, etc.
And, I notice my writing is affected by my throat -- as in, I can't think of much to write about. I will leave it at 'Thank You'. Sometimes less is more.
Hope you have a great Friday and weekend!
I taught two fairly respectable classes yesterday. Interestingly, the Carlsbad class was larger than the Temecula one -- that rarely happens. I noticed a bit of hoarseness during the morning class. Result: This morning, I am dealing with a sore throat; maybe the beginnings of a cold. After this week, that's not surprising -- a bit of sleep deprivation, stress, emotional upset, travel, etc.
And, I notice my writing is affected by my throat -- as in, I can't think of much to write about. I will leave it at 'Thank You'. Sometimes less is more.
Hope you have a great Friday and weekend!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Been A While
since I've written or even looked at this blog. Seems life gets in the way of our routines once in a while.
My week was turned upside down with a phone call on Sunday telling me that my Dad had spiked a temp and was being given antibiotics. This might not seem consequential, unless you're 89 years old. That fact, plus the undertone of the caller's message, prompted me to make a plane reservation for Monday and fly to Spokane.
Upon arrival, I drove to the nursing home and was met by a site I had not encountered on previous visits -- Dad, in bed, with oxygen. The report from nurses: he had stopped eating earlier in the day, wouldn't talk (which he had been doing on previous days), was unresponsive. I sat for a while with him, talking about anything and everything (nurses advice: hearing is the last thing to go). I left for a while, but was called back when breathing became erratic. This calmed, and we were into Tuesday.
All this to say that my Father passed on December 6, 2011, 5:15 p.m.
All in all, he was a good Father; a bit stern and unemotional at times, but generous. One memory: I wrecked the family car at age 16 (hit a parked car -- how embarrassing). That resulted in my babysitting and allowance monies being garnished (as in, seized) until the repair was paid for. Upon Dad's departure for Vietnam (I was 17), he handed me the money, told me the debt was taken care of. Raised on the heels of the depression, his way of handling emotion was with money -- the better he felt about you and/or the situation, the money flowed. Interesting and challenging.
He had 89 years; the last 2 were not his happiest, but he was comfortable and well taken care of. I thank my cousin for sharing in his care, during his life and at the end.
So, life goes on. I spent the day with the Grand-Dudes yesterday (3 little boys = much work and patience). Today, back to teaching in Carlsbad and Temecula.
Hope you are having a great week!
My week was turned upside down with a phone call on Sunday telling me that my Dad had spiked a temp and was being given antibiotics. This might not seem consequential, unless you're 89 years old. That fact, plus the undertone of the caller's message, prompted me to make a plane reservation for Monday and fly to Spokane.
Upon arrival, I drove to the nursing home and was met by a site I had not encountered on previous visits -- Dad, in bed, with oxygen. The report from nurses: he had stopped eating earlier in the day, wouldn't talk (which he had been doing on previous days), was unresponsive. I sat for a while with him, talking about anything and everything (nurses advice: hearing is the last thing to go). I left for a while, but was called back when breathing became erratic. This calmed, and we were into Tuesday.
All this to say that my Father passed on December 6, 2011, 5:15 p.m.
All in all, he was a good Father; a bit stern and unemotional at times, but generous. One memory: I wrecked the family car at age 16 (hit a parked car -- how embarrassing). That resulted in my babysitting and allowance monies being garnished (as in, seized) until the repair was paid for. Upon Dad's departure for Vietnam (I was 17), he handed me the money, told me the debt was taken care of. Raised on the heels of the depression, his way of handling emotion was with money -- the better he felt about you and/or the situation, the money flowed. Interesting and challenging.
He had 89 years; the last 2 were not his happiest, but he was comfortable and well taken care of. I thank my cousin for sharing in his care, during his life and at the end.
So, life goes on. I spent the day with the Grand-Dudes yesterday (3 little boys = much work and patience). Today, back to teaching in Carlsbad and Temecula.
Hope you are having a great week!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
THE FORUM (or my own personal mission)
Have you seen it? The Forum? It is a page on the Anusara website where students and teachers are able to ask questions, offer suggestions/comments, etc.
Currently it is divided into categories of discussion. For example: General Questions, Not Related to Yoga Stuff, Event stuff, Therapeutics, and - I'm sure - a couple more (and, these are not exact titles). I loved when it appeared -- an opportunity to ask questions and get an answer, I thought. An opportunity to offer an opinion, I thought. My initial impression was that this would be one of the most actively-used pages on the Anusara webpage.
It started off actively. Then appears to have stagnated. I see a couple reasons for this. (Note, I've been watching this site for a couple months consistently, and off and on since it's inception.) One, if you ask a question (or answer one), you are pretty darn close to the head office and exposure of all you do AND don't know. That might discourage people; on the other hand, it might also encourage people who want to be seen. Not sure what can be done about that -- human nature is human nature.
The second reason, in my opinion, is lack of feedback or response from us in the community. People ask questions. To many of the submissions, there is no response (or, if there is one, it's not reflected on the page). Not even acknowledgement that the question / comment has been received. For example, last week I read a submission -- a yoga teacher introducing herself to the group (6-8 months ago). No one responded to her -- like, to say "Hi", "Welcome", "Glad to have you join us". None of that, it's like she just wrote her excited introduction into the air. So, I wrote a belated 'welcome' back to her. (Wish I had a really small font to write that last sentence in -- I was embarrassed, as I wrote that note.)
Now, I am not an activist. If you read my bio on the Anusara website (under Anusara-Inspired Instructors), one of the questions asked is "what title should you have received in high school?" (or something like that). My answer: "Least Likely to Make Waves". It's true. I will / have in many cases followed the path of least resistance, gone with the flow, kept up with the jones's. I am not one to make waves, but this - The Forum - has my attention.
Last night, I logged back into the Forum. One recent submission (2 weeks old), was from a student in Long Beach looking for Anusara Yoga in her area. No response reflected yet, so I offered one. I wrote her a reply in which I told her I didn't know the area well enough, but would give her the name of 2 Certified teachers to contact in the L.A. area (which I then did). Then, I notified the 2 teachers that I had given this person their names. It took 7-8 minutes, in all.
All this to say, a potentially vibrant page on our website is going virtually unused. Enough. It's frustrating, as are a lot of things in life. But, it just takes minutes - maybe even seconds - to help someone and to make them feel that we care. Why not do it? Enough, again. And, we all can do it -- help with the page. Respond to questions. Respond to comments. It's not too much to ask of us or for the community to do.
Today? Going to RIVERDANCE! Seen it before, but will love seeing it again. Then to Balboa Park in San Diego for a look at the Christmas lights. Then to spend the evening watching over the Grand-Dudes.
Hope your weekend is a great one!
Currently it is divided into categories of discussion. For example: General Questions, Not Related to Yoga Stuff, Event stuff, Therapeutics, and - I'm sure - a couple more (and, these are not exact titles). I loved when it appeared -- an opportunity to ask questions and get an answer, I thought. An opportunity to offer an opinion, I thought. My initial impression was that this would be one of the most actively-used pages on the Anusara webpage.
It started off actively. Then appears to have stagnated. I see a couple reasons for this. (Note, I've been watching this site for a couple months consistently, and off and on since it's inception.) One, if you ask a question (or answer one), you are pretty darn close to the head office and exposure of all you do AND don't know. That might discourage people; on the other hand, it might also encourage people who want to be seen. Not sure what can be done about that -- human nature is human nature.
The second reason, in my opinion, is lack of feedback or response from us in the community. People ask questions. To many of the submissions, there is no response (or, if there is one, it's not reflected on the page). Not even acknowledgement that the question / comment has been received. For example, last week I read a submission -- a yoga teacher introducing herself to the group (6-8 months ago). No one responded to her -- like, to say "Hi", "Welcome", "Glad to have you join us". None of that, it's like she just wrote her excited introduction into the air. So, I wrote a belated 'welcome' back to her. (Wish I had a really small font to write that last sentence in -- I was embarrassed, as I wrote that note.)
Now, I am not an activist. If you read my bio on the Anusara website (under Anusara-Inspired Instructors), one of the questions asked is "what title should you have received in high school?" (or something like that). My answer: "Least Likely to Make Waves". It's true. I will / have in many cases followed the path of least resistance, gone with the flow, kept up with the jones's. I am not one to make waves, but this - The Forum - has my attention.
Last night, I logged back into the Forum. One recent submission (2 weeks old), was from a student in Long Beach looking for Anusara Yoga in her area. No response reflected yet, so I offered one. I wrote her a reply in which I told her I didn't know the area well enough, but would give her the name of 2 Certified teachers to contact in the L.A. area (which I then did). Then, I notified the 2 teachers that I had given this person their names. It took 7-8 minutes, in all.
All this to say, a potentially vibrant page on our website is going virtually unused. Enough. It's frustrating, as are a lot of things in life. But, it just takes minutes - maybe even seconds - to help someone and to make them feel that we care. Why not do it? Enough, again. And, we all can do it -- help with the page. Respond to questions. Respond to comments. It's not too much to ask of us or for the community to do.
Today? Going to RIVERDANCE! Seen it before, but will love seeing it again. Then to Balboa Park in San Diego for a look at the Christmas lights. Then to spend the evening watching over the Grand-Dudes.
Hope your weekend is a great one!
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