Thursday, April 28, 2011


This seems like a 'groundhog day' type of title, doesn't it. If you are a regular reader, you are wondering "didn't she already move?", and you are right - I did. Now, tho, I am helping my mother move and today's the day.

This is a move necessitated by finances and by a desire to have her closer to extended family. Not a move of her choice. And, I know she is not happy with the choices ahead of her. Mainly about belongings -- some can stay with her and some have to go to storage due to lack of space.
There it is, again -- aparigraha, staring me in the face. Another reminder to let go of the 'stuff' in my life.
As much as she wants the 'nice' stuff, she also wants her memories. One memory is a wood-bound scrapbook with leather lacing (that she made herself). It's about a foot thick - the leather straps allowed it to grow with time and accumulation of memories. I had seen it throughout my life, but never paid much attention to it. For her, it will offer hours of reminiscence I'm sure. As I moved it into the apartment last night, I took the opportunity to open it and look at the contents -- old news articles, old corsages, high school and lower school memorabilia, etc. All part of another life for her. As she looks through it in the coming months/years, I think it will transport her to another time of her life - when all things were happy, possible and achievable. Hopefully, it will help make this transition more easeful.
I am looking for the good in all this -- she's taken care of, she hasn't used much of the 'stuff' that's been with her during the past year, she'll be closer to people who will visit and care for her. She, unhappily, is looking at all this moving and downsizing as us taking her 'stuff' away from her. Perhaps as she settles in, with scrapbook at her side, she will appreciate some good. I can only hope and do my best.
Howard is holding down the fort in Fallbrook -- getting bids for needed projects, having little things taken care of (Bose system hooked up to TV -- things like that), working (very important to fund all these projects), running errands. Staying busy.
I will return on Saturday and will begin teaching on Tuesday -- so excited. Already thinking about what themes to use -- I've generated a lot over the past 2 months. And, I'm looking forward to Tucson in late May -- going to YogaOasis for Darren, Christina and Amy -- total TSS (Triple Shot of Shakti).
So, time to sign off and get on with the day. Wish me luck and hope you have a great Thursday!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


I leave tomorrow for Spokane; going up to help my Mother move from one assisted living facility to another (closer to family). More moving! The good? It's not my 'stuff' I'll be moving, and she has already substantially down-sized. But, there will be emotion -- she, despite being reclusive, has become acquainted with all her caregivers and leaving them for new ones, will be challenging. My plan is to move both parents into one facility (different areas, however), so they are closer to each other and family. I am hopeful that this will bring some calm to both their situations - which has kind of been like a train wreck so far. Nothing has gone according to plan.

Our original plan? Move both into assisted and skilled nursing at the same facility (which we did). Once Dad had recovered from the stroke, he would move into the apartment in assisted living (that has not happened - he has not made the level of recovery needed for that move - and, therefore moved to a nearby VA skilled care facility). What does that leave? Two people (married to one another), living in separate facilities, with huge strain on their emotions and at big financial consequences.
With this revised plan, both will be together, closer to most family members, in a facility that will offer care and will accept financial aid plans. Fingers crossed.
And my week in Fallbrook? Productive, though you might not think so if you hadn't been here watching the day-to-day activities (in other words, it's still a work in progress).
  1. Painters are done with the inside - looks good and clean.
  2. We have 80% of the blinds installed - nice.
  3. A kitchen table and chairs was purchased and delivered - comfy and 'chic' looking.
  4. More boxes unpacked, more arranging of furnishings accomplished - love the spaciousness that gives us.
  5. One large piece of furniture sold - yes!
  6. Previous owners' leftovers disposed of - either to garbage or to thrift stores.
  7. Dishwasher in and working -- double yes!!
  8. Garage organization begun - thank you, Howard (husband).
Excited to return from Spokane to begin teaching. Gearing up by sending studios pics and bios - I really need to have a few pictures taken; later, I guess. Anxious to begin connecting with students and the yoga community more fully. In Spokane, I'll try to do a couple classes; tho, no guarantees there either. Stay fluid.
Hope you have a good week!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Just a short post to let you all know I'm still around. It has been one wild week at our house! We are:
  1. Painting the ENTIRE inside (ceilings, trim, walls)
  2. Planning for painting the exterior window trim
  3. Having parts of the house measured for carpet
  4. Having shrubs trimmed back and removed
  5. Getting the new dishwasher installed tomorrow (YES!)
  6. Hauling 'stuff' of the previous owner's out of the attic, studio, yard to the recycler, the dump, or the Goodwill-type stores -- depending on what each item qualified for.
  7. Preparing for installation of a gate that will - we hope - contain our two dogs on this one-acre of property.
  8. Still looking at some boxes to unpack inside the house, and the garage -- oh, my!
Whew! Tired after just writing this.
Then, there's the weekend -- we will have Easter dinner here (now that's motivation to pull it together, isn't it?)
So, a few things on the agenda that have been keeping me from the blog, my reading, and my intention to attend some yoga classes this week. I keep reminding myself that I will have lots of time to do these neglected activities; today, I must focus on settling into this house. Until that happens, the others will not flourish (if that makes sense). In other words, so long as I'm worried about the 8 action items above, I will continue to be distracted. So, 'get'er done'.
Today? Carpet person comes, unpack a couple of the boxes marked 'fragile', clean up the cabinets these items will call home, plan for artwork (where will it best hang), dodge painters.

Hope you have a good day!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


When I lived in Salt Lake, my entry into teaching yoga was facilitated (and necessitated) by owning a studio -- I could craft my studio schedule, insert myself here and there on that schedule, and not worry about competing with others for coveted teaching positions.

And, as the decision was made to sell the studio and move away from the area, I worried that no one would 'want' me. That there would be so many instructors that I would find myself in the challenging position of looking for and competing for teaching spots. But, no -- surprising to me is the fact that I guess I've arrived at the right place, right time and now have 4 classes to begin teaching in May.

What a wonderful surprise to arrive in Fallbrook and be welcomed by being 'wanted'!
I've decided to dedicate Tuesdays and Thursdays to teaching (perhaps add in another day for private sessions). A small studio in Carlsbad has offered me an opportunity to teach 2 classes (Tues/Thurs mornings); the studio in Temecula has offered me 2 classes -- also Tues/Thurs, but in the afternoons. I figure it this way -- drive into Carlsbad, teach. Return home for a quick bite of lunch, then off to Temecula to teach -- that will be my Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Best of all, this schedule leaves me with plenty of free time for 'Grand-Dudes', friends, my own exercise and practice, plus all the associated activities of a 'new-to-me' home. What a great start!
Back to the present - the weekend is here. We plan to check out consignment stores today -- get away from the unpacking for a few hours. Besides, there are painters in the house -- how can you unpack with tarps over most of the floor, cabinets, furniture, even the boxes still remaining inside the house. So -- best plan is to ESCAPE!
Hope you have a great day and weekend!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Yes, I am actually going to teach a full class after 4 weeks in moving limbo. In fact, I'll be teaching 3 classes -- where will my voice be when I'm done?

Seems there is an event pulling 3 instructors away from Living Yoga in Temecula today, causing the need for a 'guest teacher' at 10am, 4pm, and 6pm. Look for the good here -- I'll have time between to take this computer to the Apple Store for a little R&R (repair & revival); then some time to get an elusive birthday gift. Not that teaching requires I look for the good -- it's the 3 classes part that has me a bit 'daunted'. Yet, it will be good to teach and to connect more with the studio; not to mention the students I'll meet.
Tomorrow (Friday), I'll be guest teaching again - 2 classes for a fellow Inspired instructor in Carlsbad, 9am and 10:45 or 11am (got the 9 am correct; the other class follows close on the heels, same place - so, I'm good).
Right now, my plan is to use the theme of patience; of taking time to notice what happens when we apply a principle to our practice (i.e. when you apply muscle energy thru arms and legs while in plank, doesn't the pose seem less strenuous? like that).
The settling into this house continues. We have most of the boxes inside the house unpacked and put away (or given away). A painter arrives tomorrow morning to begin the job of painting the ceilings (can you say tarps and drop cloths everywhere?). Looking for the good here -- fresh paint, able to hang artwork, finish putting things 'together'.
So, need to get ready for the big day -- off for Temecula by 8:45 (allowing for unfamiliar traffic); take lots of provisions with me, since I won't be back here until later this evening.
Hope you have a great day!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Wow, it seems every morning the routine stays the same, but come blog-time it's time for me to get on with the day. Poor blog. I apologize. I feel as if I'm letting an old (or new) friend down when I neglect it so.

Days here require more time to navigate for some reason. Perhaps it's just the newness of it all; figuring out how long it will take to get somewhere, what the traffic may be like, what other trips can I combine so use of that precious commodity, gasoline, is not wasted. Like that.
The pattern repeats itself within the walls of our new home, also. I find myself walking from room to room, carrying one item, then going back to the exact spot to repeat the process. It's kind of crazy-making. Like I am not getting a whole lot done.
Gradually, tho, we are whittling away at the boxes. Even accumulated enough to place an ad and sell some of them to future movers. Hoo-Ray!
And, as I settle in, I'm adding a layer here and there. One layer is my teaching. Last week's meeting with a studio owner relatively nearby went well; she put me on the schedule for 2 classes. Before we 'cement' the deal, she - smartly - needed to experience me teaching. So, we had a 'tryout' class yesterday -- a one-hour class attended by 2 of the regular instructors with a 3rd observing. I tried to teach 'basic', but yoga teachers don't always 'do' basic, so I taught to what I saw. My verbiage - which had just begun to emerge in ways I'd never experienced before - was a bit rusty, but the technical -- kind of like riding a bike. Fun. Best part? I passed. Very nice comments heard from the room, and that means I'm in. I'll sub 2 classes for this studio this week (Thursday), and on Friday I'm still on to help a Carlsbad instructor with her 2 morning classes.
The weekend, while busy, was fun. Sundari arrived from Maui for a few days, and invited me to join her and Tiffany Grimm for a practice Sunday afternoon. Well, you all know my comments about my practice recently. Put that together with practicing with two very skilled yoga practitioners, and you have a combination ripe for intimidation. Tried not to let it bother me, tho. Just practiced what I could; didn't whine and tried not to make excuses. Did, however, take advantage of Sundari's therapeutic knowledge and let her massage (or 'direct the tissue' - as she called it) my right hamstring. Good stuff. It was a fun, relaxed time and I so enjoyed seeing both ladies.
Today? Back to unpacking; then a trip in for lunch with the 'grand-dudes'; a bit of gift shopping; and home.
Hope you all have a great day,

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I'm talking about the move/house here when I say not everything can be perfect. Why? The house we bought is very nice, don't get me wrong; it's just been well-used. And, that wasn't apparent when I viewed the home with the previous owners' belongings in it. So, as we move around the house, I notice the marks on the wall, the dust from many years of walls not being dusted (BTW, I've never been big on dusting my walls, but I know housekeepers do it and I know this house could have used more of that effort -- therefore, I bought a tool and have been gradually moving through the house with it.). Then, there's a definite lack of window coverings - a problem being solved as I write (blinds are ordered). Once all the boxes are unpacked, I suspect the carpet will reveal it's true condition, and we'll be looking at replacing it.

Right now, tho, I'm dealing with appliances. Have a new washer/dryer - love them. Dishwasher and compactor gave it up about one week into our residence here. So, I've been in process of replacing them -- dishwasher will be here and installed on Friday. Compactor, tho, is giving me fits! I ordered it, it was delivered with washer/dryer (but not installed - I didn't order that, according to delivery guys). So, I ordered it and waited. Yesterday it was installed - not real happy with how it fits into cabinet, so I wasn't terribly disappointed when, upon test runs, it revealed itself to be defective. Now, back to the drawing board - new, defective model will stay here, I'll find a replacement, replacement will be delivered and installed. That's the plan.
Ahhh, patience -- it is coming in very handy these days.
My meeting with Andrea at Living Yoga, Temecula, went very well. We are exploring 2 classes - one, a therapeutic yoga class (similar to 'gentle' - but with a bit more emphasis on therapeutic benefits) and a basics class. Both good fits for me (style- and schedule-wise) and a good way to slide into the community. We have a couple 'housekeeping' chores to take care of before it's set in stone; if all goes well, classes would start in May. I'm excited and also happy to have an opportunity to put all my "90 minute" plans and ideas into play.

And, today?
  • Attack a few boxes this a.m.
  • Lunch with Valerie (who moved to San Diego from SLC 2 years ago and who practiced alongside me in Adam's classes for many years)
  • Check out consignment stores in Del Mar and Solana Beach for some of my clothing that needs to find another home.
Hope you all have a great Wednesday,

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Yes, I finally got off my rear end, checked websites, and drove up to Temecula (about 11 miles north of Fallbrook) for a class with Ashley Fiala, Certified Anusara® instructor, at Living Yoga.

It was a good class -- Ashley, previously unknown to me, is a welcoming, knowledgeable (of course) and funny (as in, laugh-creating) instructor who gently moved us through a 'basics' class and right into a drop back with 2 helpers (!?!?!?). She had prepped us well for this adventure, but nothing like surprise to wake a group up. All-in-all, a good experience.
I go back to the studio this morning to meet with the owner - talking about 'guest teaching' when needed, and/or class possibilities. Will keep you all posted.
What was a discovery I made in this class? That I definitely need to be more diligent in my personal practice. I felt stiff and without the normal amount of energy. I can blame it on moving, unpacking, Vitamin D depletion -- but, I just think it's mainly due to not enough time/energy expended on the mat. No excuses, no alibis.
This morning in my computer time, I discovered Elena Brower's "Mindful Smack" -- a video/blog that's short and succinctly gives her ideas on living well and authentically. Kind of like 'smacking us up side the head' with something we know, but - perhaps - have forgotten (or ignore). So far, there are 4 entries to this site, one of which is telling the truth. Hence, the previous paragraph. Truth is, I haven't been practicing enough. Truth is, I'm stiff - why? could be the move, could be other things, but I do need to admit that my physical practice of yoga has not been getting enough of my attention over the past several weeks. No excuses, no alibis.
Firsts for me this week -- I made guacamole to die for (at least, in my mind) from avocados grown in my own yard (Fuerte brand - not Haas; Fuerte's are described on one site as the 'original high quality California avocado'). What did I notice about them? The guacamole lasted 4 days, and during those 4 days it NEVER turned brown. My ingredients? 5 avocados, 1 diced tomato, about 2 tbsp. diced sweet onion, and a splash of lemon juice. Funny story? As I mashed the avocados, I thought -- "darn, I should have bought a lemon at the grocery this morning". Then I remembered - I have a tree full of meyer lemons just off the side of the garage. Duh!
Another 'first' - I picked about 2 dozen lemons, gave some to 'grand-dudes' and their parents, then made lemonade. Home-made lemonade! Excellent!!!
  • Fed'x tax materials, no matter what!
  • Temecula meeting
  • Unpack a few more boxes (for the record, yesterday I did FINALLY unpack the suitcases I arrived with)
  • Deal with realtor on sale of my parents' home (nightmare city); got to breathe deeply
Hope your Wednesday is a good one,

Friday, April 1, 2011


As unpleasant as unpacking is, it does make time go quickly; so, hopefully, there is an end in sight to this unpacking unpleasantness.

What I am experiencing right now is a significant lack of stress -- nowhere to run to, no appointment to keep, not much calendar-wise to remember except that I must get up - coffee & computer time - continue unpacking & organizing - appointments for bids on paint, window coverings, carpet, etc. What stress there is happens when I look at a box that's been sitting in the same position for 10 days!?!?!?
Big development this week -- I now have a brand new washer/dryer and can start to make a dent in about 2 weeks of laundry. I moved the bird into his larger cage (from the travel cage). We also have a new trash compactor, but that sits in the box waiting for installation by someone. A new dishwasher is to be delivered sometime next week (an unexpected expenditure).
Through all this unpacking, dealing with contractors and salespersons, ordering and receiving deliveries, I go back to the word 'patience'. It's become a mantra, keeping my attitude in check. All of this could easily become a recipe for attitude meltdown. So long as forward movement is happening, the attitude is staying positive.
And, the fun part -- watching the Grand-Dudes run around the property. Enjoying a bit of freedom from city, neighborhood life. They were all about picking oranges, tangerines and grapefruit yesterday, taste testing as we went along (tangerines/oranges, not grapefruit). So cute and fun to watch/experience with them.
And, yoga? Well, since Desiree, no formal classes; good intentions for next week. And, Sundari's coming to town - so, for sure a practice with her and Tiffany while she's here.
Hope your week's been great and have a good weekend,