What's a keeper? The flier mentioned in yesterday's post. Everyone liked the version sent to them (with a very minor 'tweak'). Whew! Now, the question -- who is in charge of printing / distributing / etc.? Will ask this a.m.
Wednesday's Gentle Yoga class was a blast -- more than enough people in the room to film and all in good spirits, willing to even place themselves front and center in the video (not always the case). The presence of the video camera adds another dimension to classes - that of some self-consciousness. That is, most classes - this group? Well, the camera became almost a non-entity. Everyone did their stuff, no one held back on the groans or sighs (this is a very verbal group), they even added a bit of creative expression to the poses I asked them to do, we all had fun.
The challenge for me is to communicate from my teaching to the camera why certain things were being done certain ways. For example, why some people began class seated in chairs, others on the floor. Well, there are a number of hip/knee replacements in the room; another with a debilitating disease; for the new-to-yoga, sitting in the chair is just an easier way to listen to me for a few minutes; and then everyone aligns as they sit on the chair or the floor. Yes, align -- no comfortable, slouchy chair sitting; everyone is asked to sit with knees over ankles, feet parallel, rooting down through pelvis and from hips to armpits creating length. Shoulders rise, and move towards the back of the room -- all the same as for those in sukhasana; except for the legs. For this group, while some might move easily into seated on the floor; there are enough others who would need help in setting themselves up safely and comfortably, that it becomes a 'time' thing. We get to the floor, just not in the beginning.
There was one new student in the group. As I began, my commitment to the group was to speak about the goddess energies, beginning with Laksmi, and her 16 aspects. This first segment I relayed the story of Laksmi's appearance from the depths of the ocean - how she came to be. I'm talking away, and look at the new student's face - blank / no expression. I am sure she is wondering 'what?', 'didn't I come for yoga?', 'is this class story hour?', 'Goddesses and Gods and Demons?' -- or some other thought along those lines. As class proceeded, her facial expression stayed the same, a bit 'blank' -- no smiles, no grimaces -- I guess stoic might be a good word for it. This is worrisome for me, not to know -- I can't feel what's going on inside.
We had a good class, with some poses I usually don't throw at this group, and - at the end - the new student stopped me. Her comment "I loved it; one question, tho - why do we activate the feet and spread the pinkie toe?" I answered her question and she commented she'd be back. Good stuff. Another sigh of relief on my part.
Well, enough about the class. Got to get some elements in before the video will work. I didn't speak enough about the 5 principles - supposed to touch on those in 50% of the poses. I did, tho, move back to the theme, so I am pleased by that -- and, I told them 'why'; maybe not as much as some might like it, but I did it. This class keeps me busy, just making sure everyone is doing o.k., not getting discouraged, not hurting, not falling -- juggling a few more elements will take practice. But, all in all, I feel encouraged and ready to do more. A good thing.
And, I am so grateful the group is filled with Laksmi spirits -- all beautiful, helpful, caring. This will be a fun story theme to continue on for a few weeks.
p.s. As I re-thought the post, I noticed I didn't speak to the 'why' and how it relates to this (or any) group. In the churning of the ocean, many gifts appeared -- some good, some not-so-good; similarly with our yoga practice. We move, we feel, we notice our strengths and our weaknesses. We may want to give up (just as the Gods & Demons may have wanted to do, as they churned away), but something keeps us going. For this group, in particular, it may be the desire to be pain-free, or to get back in shape, or to strengthen the bond with a loved one, or to be with other people as their old group of friends shrinks and they face the remaining years of life. In any yoga class, everyone has their reasons. This is where, I believe, the 'kula' (community) is so important - if the kula is strong, the desire to return and return and return to a group of like-minded, loving individuals and friends keeps us in our yoga. Then, magically, it's a part of us, even if we move away or separate from this 'kula', the yoga is still there, in us. Kula - a topic for another post.
- Morning meeting
- 1 pm, Pilates with Cindy
- 2:30 pm, Private
- 4:00 pm, level 1-2 - I'm teaching at The Yoga Center
- 5:40 pm, Level 1-2 - Tiffany's teaching, I'm attending at The Yoga Center
Hope your Thursday is terrific,