There were not as many people in class as when Adam teaches, but - since he announced he would be gone and there would be a 'guest teacher' - that's to be expected. Interesting that many students find exploring a new or different instructor - even for one class - is out of their realm of possibility.
A guest teacher, to me, means - at the very least (most?) - an opportunity to practice my beginner mind. Rather than skip the class, I look for the possibility of viewing my practice from a different angle or perspective. That's part of the yoga.
It brings to mind the year I was in Tucson with JF for a Therapeutics Training. He excused himself from the training after day two, and left - in his stead - Noah Maze, Sianna Sherman, and Martin Kirk. Each very different styles of teachers, but each with great knowledge to share. I remember being disappointed at JF's unexpected departure, but tried to understand. I also remember that it was hard to watch the others step in, try to fill his shoes, teach us -- not because they weren't measuring up, but because my expectation had been that it would be JF teaching, not someone else. I remember listening and comparing what each had to say to what I might be hearing if JF were at the front of class. Then, I decided to soften, to put on my 'beginner mind', to understand and relax. From each of them, I took information -- perhaps even more detailed that I might have otherwise received (no offense, John). This because they were each quite overwhelmed, themselves, by being thrust into this situation. We all survived. I learned. I'm sure they learned they were well capable of 'stepping up to the plate'. It turned out just fine.
But, back to your local yoga class -- I've noted that students new-to-yoga tend to latch onto the first (or one of the first) instructors they experience (I remember I did it). These first instructors make such an impact, introducing yoga to people, that it's hard to think someone else might do just as well. So, many students stay with that instructor and avoid any exposure to others (unless it's a surprise), even to the point of staying away from their yoga class when there is a 'guest teacher'. Oh, well, it's a 'human thing'.
The four students who did show up got to journey into bird of paradise pose. This has never been a favorite of mine, but I love to teach it and to watch students open to places they thought inaccessible. And, for these beautiful students, it just took activating both feet and opening their hearts to experience the pose more fully than previously.
- Just house stuff
- Perhaps run a few errands
Hope your Sunday is great